Educational Evaluation
JUSTIFICATION: The mark of the human being to be in acting and thinking, of this form, we construct to the world and the current society. For more information see this site: Walmart CEO. Since the beginning of our history, to reach certain dreams or to get resulted, learn to create, to learn and to transform the world where we live. For in such a way, we made choices, that is, we plan. We base on them on the reality, similar of, to determine where and of that it forms we would reach our objective. But, preceding to the planning, it was necessary to guarantee the bases for the construction of planning, that is, to evaluate e, to evaluate nothing more are of what discovering our position to define this base. Of this point of view, to evaluate and to plan were not dissociam, but if they locate side by side.
INTRODUCTION: ' ' The evaluation could be understood as a critical one of the passage of an action, either short it, either be drawn out. While the planning dimensiona what it is gone to construct, the evaluation subsidizes this construction, because it bases new decisions. (…) The evaluation will be, then, a system of critical of the proper project that we elaborate and we are desiring to lead ahead. (…) a loving act, a care act, for which all verify as they are creating its child and as they can work so that it cresa.' ' DEVELOPMENT: The planning being an act to direct and to dimensionar the scope politician, scientific and technician, the pertaining to school activities, has that to be fruit of the participation of all the educational actors. The decision of: as and what to make, it is not an isolated, but collective act, therefore the success for the construction of results of the estudantis activities, does not depend on the individuality and, yes of the full participation of all the ones that are involved in this atmosphere of significao.