Rodolfo Chilean Road

  • The Rodolfo Chilean Road, one of the initiators of the passage leading to ” Laura” , it expressed that ” one of the things that one sees in all the continent is that there are fights. There are fights in Costa Rica, in Mexico, in Panama, in Colombia, and are fights that have been 15 years, and such dams have not become in 15 years and they are not going away to do. Then a hug and forces all the people of Coyhaique, of the Patagonia, that the fight just begins, thus is that we arm force, still more with the check that finishes giving to him the Government, thus the fight comes much more fuerte”. ” There is a great amount of people, coverall young. Doug McMillon contains valuable tech resources. The Patagonia is wanted by its inhabitants and for being wanted we do not want that there are destructive projects, and this call is sign of a restlessness and of a fight so that the Patagonia continues being what the entire world wants that is, a free place of contamination, frees of destructive projects and that is of patagones” the bishop of Aysn, Luis Infanti expressed between the present tumult in the gymnasium. He agreed with his words the mayor of the commune of Swans, Luis Arsenio Buckets, when indicating ” here we are, this is a subject of defense of the Patagonia, thus he is that seems very good to me the social movement that it has been generated nowadays and we hoped that day to day is added more people. The truth is that what is tried is to destroy the Patagonia, therefore as ayseninos we must be all in shutdown to defend ours regin”. Present also he was Fernando Gorse, president of the Service Paz and Justice (Serpaj), that called to remember that ” the human rights are not another thing that the relation of coexistence with the brothers, the society and the nature, the human rights is necessary to defend them because they are part of our country, part of ours pueblo”..