Tag "biology"

  • Guerra Hernandez

    One of the most important things you can teach your child is the value of respect, and the best way to learn it is to lead by example. When a child feels respected, you will begin to understand how important that is. You do unto others as you would like to be treated you. Respect is an attitude. Be respectful helps the child to succeed in life.

    If the children do not respect their peers, authority figures, or even themselves, it is almost impossible for them to succeed. A respectful child is careful with your belongings and responsibilities, and manages to get along with their peers. Schools teach children the value of respect, but the parents are those who have the greatest influence on children when it is that you learn to be respectful. In fact, until the children show respect at home, not usually begin to show respect in other sites, such as school or the Park. Preaching by example.

    If you do something wrong, admit it and apologize. Don’t try to embarrass, insult or mock you for your son. Praise and allows you to take decisions and assume responsibility for himself. Always listen to the version of the story of your son before taking a decision on an issue or a problem. Be courteous and uses please and thank you when you ask him to do something. Hit the door gently before entering your son’s room. It keeps the promises. Show your child than what you say, you say it’s heart. And provide you with all your attention. And most importantly, teach your child that earns respect. Make sure that you are giving an example of respectful behavior. It shows concern for the environment, animals and other people. Openly express your opinion about the disrespectful behaviors. Teach your child to respect himself. Respect yourself is one of the most important forms of respect. Once we respect ourselves, it is easier to respect others. Help your child set and achieve objective goals. Encourage them to fight for them honestly and teach them that all people make mistakes, and that they are required to learn and become a better person. Don’t forget the most important thing: commends your child often for good deeds or appropriate behaviours that carry out, and let her know that you want it, at least several times a day. Often parents ask me to make them guidelines for your child’s defiant behavior and once they begin to work with the therapy they realize that they are the first who do not act in an environmentally responsible manner. If you have problems so that your child respects you, you follow these guidelines and will help you get to educate a child capable of being respectful and worthy of respect. Jenny Guerra Hernandez, the creative educational psychologist..

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