Tag "cybernetics"
ARI Institute
The necessary change to the social altruism is not by chance that we were created as social beings. If we look deeply our behavior, we find that every action we perform is aimed to attract social appreciation. That's what sustains us, and its absence or, worse, the denunciation of a society, we cause the most suffering. Feeling ashamed of this social indifference or contempt, is the worst thing that a person may experience, so we tend to tolerate it and promote it through social values as an exercise of the power of ego over others. Therefore, if we change the values of the social environment in which we live, attracting altruistic values such as concern for others, sharing, and mutual union, then we can change our attitudes towards them. Whenever Interactive Advertising Bureau listens, a sympathetic response will follow. When society values the person only by their behavior or commitment to society, all we will strive to necessarily think and act for it. If we removed the awards we give to individual excellence and appreciate people only for their social concerns, if children judge their parents by these standards, if friends, relatives, and colleagues examine us only according to how well we relate to others, then we would do good to all to earn the appreciation of society.
So gradually come to feel that express this altruism or generosity toward others is a special and sublime value in itself, besides the social recognition granted. We will find that this attitude is in fact the perfect source of pleasure and unlimited, the integral law of nature that sustains all contralateral. Although society is selfish now, is quite prepared to go to the next legislation altruistic nature. Education and culture have been always based on altruistic principles. In our homes and at school, we teach our children to be compassionate, kind and friendly. We want our children to be kind to everyone, and we feel that such an attitude toward others is a way appropriate behavior that protects those who follow. Almost no one would declare opposition to those values.
Additionally, thanks to advances in communications, we can now transmit new messages and values to society very quickly throughout the world. This is a crucial factor to increase awareness of the growing crisis of humanity and the need for a comprehensive resolution. Although our current problems could cause a change in all this is much more than that when we build a correct attitude toward society, we will gradually admitted to a whole new level of existence, more than anything we have known before. It will be a higher form of existence, we will have a sense of wholeness and perfection of nature. We must therefore begin to take steps in this direction to resolve all personal conflicts, social and global issues, and pave a path to prosperity and success. We need to take our first real steps towards the realization of this "natural law minded. " Only then can we feel that we are all part of a single integrated system and test natural perfection and harmony within. Rav Dr. Michael Laitman is Masters in cybernetics, doctor in philosophy and Kabbalah, a professor of ontology and epistemology. He is founder and president of Bnei Baruch and ARI Institute in Israel. More information, and,
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