Understand Foreign Speech

  • One of the most common errors of students in the perception of foreign speech at the hearing is an attempt to mentally transfer the audible text in their native language. That is, for understanding speech, they resort to the translation. It's just critical time, which prevents the successful mastery of a foreign language. From using their native language as a mediator to get rid of. Next, consider one of the most effective methods of removing the intermediate language.

    One of the most efficient ways to develop the skills of direct (non-transferable) speech perception is the technique of translating cursive writing. First, find out what is hiding under that term. You certainly will not once had the opportunity to see on television meeting with politicians, big foreign counterparts. And most of all, pay attention to inconspicuous people who are close to them with clipboards in hand and something fast recording at a time until someone says. As you might guess, it's translators.

    What they record in my notebook? It is quite true – we are a foreign worker, then to translate into their native language. But if you get a chance to look at records interpreter, you know, what would you see there? No, not words. Drawings. That's right! Crooked characters, disparate characters, mysterious images. The interpreter does not write-sounding speech, he paints, that is, metaphorically captures the thoughts, that sound in the words of the speaker. So, I repeat: the interpreter does not write the speech itself, and not even her shorthand.