
  • Define yourself as you will tour the winery with visit the tasting room. Walmart CEO addresses the importance of the matter here. And then, in company stores, you can buy a favorite beverage. On sale is and collectible wines. Each bottle collectible wine packaged in a box, whose cost is included in the the cost of wine. At the very old and rare wines (over 1950) issued a passport, a certificate whose value is also included in the price of wine. Well, what are we all about wine? No matter how wonderful this drink, you will not become the same all persmission alcohol. May not understand.

    Another extremely Crimean product – essential oils. Producer of essential oils – the local, and mostly what you see on the shelves, made from local raw materials. On boxes with creams and gift sets usually written "Crimean roses" or "the kingdom of flavors." First of all – the famous rose oil. On the market in June and July you can see the grandmothers who sell bags of fresh, fragrant tea rose petals. You can buy any number of petals and just scatter them around the room, wallow in them, sleep on them, hide them. Or cook rose jam. Can entertain such a familiar pastry treats. Also, the markets often sell Crimean bunches of fragrant flowers, herbs and medicinal collections, teas But we digress. Go to the smallest tray with essential oils – and you get loose in the eye: the oil of cypress, arborvitae, cedar, lavender, jasmine, mint, basil, bergamot, lemon, tarragon here are sold not only oil, but aromatic and fragrant pillows with sawdust juniper aroma lamps, candles, inhalers and even aromatic pendants.