Belo Horizonte
Thus, the example of Belvedere III reveals relevance to it of the management of the geographic space for the hidrogrfica basin as unit of management as well as the effective application of the legal instruments of preservacionista character of the natural goods and the quality of life of the population in favor of the support. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES AMORIM, Flvia Pear tree. Belvedere III: A study of case on the influence of the real estate market in the production of the urban landscape and space. 2007. Dissertao (Mestrado in Architecture)? Program of After Graduation in Architecture of the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, 2007. BELO HORIZONTE.
Managing plan of Belo Horizonte. Law of use and occupation of the ground: basic studies, 1995. Available in Access in 28 jun 2010. _____. Law of n 7166/96. Managing plan of Belo Horizonte.
Law of Use and Occupation of the Ground of 1996. It establishes norms and conditions for parcelamento, occupation and use of the ground urban in the city. Available in: Access in 28 mai 2010. ______. Law of n 8.137/00. Law of Use and Occupation of the Ground of 2000. N 7,165 and 7,166, both of 27 of August of 1996, and the other steps modifies the laws. Available in: Access in 28 mai 2010. ______. Municipal law n 3,802/84, of 06 of July of 1984. It organizes the protection of the cultural patrimony of the City of Belo Horizonte. Published in the Minas Gerais of 14/06/1984 and rectified in 14/06/1985. Available in: Access in 28 mai 2010. ______. Law n 4,253/85, of 4 of December of 1985. It makes use on politics of protection of the control and the conservation of the environment and the improvement of the quality of life in the City of Belo Horizonte. Published in the Minas Gerais of 06/12/1985 and rectified in 15/02/1986.