There are four main methods of disinfection: mechanical, physical, chemical and combined, combining two or three of these methods. Mechanical method of disinfection is to remove and destroy contaminated sites, the physical – in the disinfection by heat treatment, ultraviolet, or other similar methods. Chemical method used most extensively and involves the destruction of toxins and pathogenic bacteria using a disinfectant. Disinfectant for use in each case is chosen depending on the subject of cleaning and the composition of the funds. See Michael J. Bender for more details and insights. Main types disinfectants, based on major active components: inorganic, organic, biologically active.
Inorganic disinfectant – a tool which is based on acid alkalis, phosphates or silicates. In organic media used surface-active agent (surfactant), alcohol and other components. By biologically active funds are based on aldehydes, peroxides and other substances similar action. Disinfectant must meet the following requirements: highly soluble in water and be active even in small concentrations, have a fairly wide range and high speed action, low level of toxicity. Another quality that must have a modern disinfectant – No adverse impact on the object of cleaning (surface damage, discoloration, etc.). From the point of convenience and efficiency of use, disinfectant should be safe and convenient for transportation and storage, and still have not overcharge and concentration, permitting its use in small doses. As mentioned above, the disinfectant should be well soluble in water. Fluid rapid effect on bacteria, effectively destroys pollution and they contain dangerous toxic substances.
So are achieved and requirements to speed preparations. Therefore, the disinfectants are produced, usually in liquid or powdered form, which allows you to quickly dissolve them in water. Some liquid disinfectants do not form a foam, so the processing of multiple objects is accelerated. Foam disinfectants have a number of other benefits. Due to saturation of water and air foam quickly penetrate the contaminated layer, the longer it is delayed, and thus facilitates the disinfection process and increases its effectiveness.