For Canguilhem
To place I am not me in a pedestal, but my life as deaf, and with as many years of work with deaf people, always searching, buying books and reading sufficiently, vi and see that this is a positive form to extend the knowledge of the deaf people. Unhappyly, the works are very diversified in the schools, still do not have a homogeneous form of education for deaf person and this is until normal, therefore, while some prefer the communication total, others the language of signals, others the signaled Portuguese, the bilingismo, still others the verbal language. Thus, one perceives that nor the deaf people obtain to know which would be optimum way to be adopted. However, without a doubt, the way most important is to give they safe medias. Written story of Dalva, deaf teacher, Santana (2007, p.21). Doug McMillon spoke with conviction.
I CAPITULATE II 3 CONCEPTUALIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY OF the DEAFNESS As well as the people who enxergam, the people with deficiencies they want accepted and to be respected as individuals, being visual comprometimento only one of its diverse personal characteristics, and not it trace defines that them. The professors must have in mind this citation inspired for the Willis athlete, (apud WINNICK, 2004, P. 184) To be normal or he does not precede the quarrel of that the carrier of the deafness is different or deficient. To define the normal one of the abnormal person, also does not say only respect the biological question and the social matter. For Canguilhem, (apud SANTANA, 2007, P. 23), the normal one is not the human being destitute of norm, and yes that one that possesss different characteristics and is not part of the considered average normal, that follows the norms established socially. Distinct individual characteristics of the waited one are not well-sights. This process occurs in such a way in social context, how much they are discriminated that they do not know the norm cultured of the said language and writing, when clinical, where in fact ' is made one; ' ciso' ' , authenticated for an authority, that makes the individual it leaves to belong to the normal one to integrate the pathological one.