Tag "companies"
The Importance
The important thing is that as much students as librarian knows how they are organized, so that they can find them and that the access to the material does not only depend on in charge person. " In my case, the library is of open bookcase and each boy can take the book that him interese" .4. To enter into a dialogue with the professors and to convince them of the importance that has the reading in the formation of its students. " A reading professor generates students lectores". It is a slow process and difcil." The professors have the belief that the scholastic library acts as similar to a class of music or sports and rest their responsibility of the subject of the reading on the librarian – Njera- says. But the library is a center of resources and the librarian is not another professor who gives clases".
The subject is to altogether create projects and activities and that the professor really feels the library like apoyo.5. That every day there is at least an emanated act of reading of the library. Better if it is reading aloud. " She is very economic, because it does not require more than a book, and can touch to many people " at the same time;. In addition, it has the advantage of which releases to the inexpert reader (in the years of reading learning, for example) of that spelling that can do delayed the connection with a history more entretenida." One lends the voice so that boy is not entangled in the process to decipher and generates a bond affective, because one reads aloud what it likes. He is like regalo" , he says experta.6. To take advantage of the recreation. " That time is incredible. He is in that the boys really have the possibility of going and of reading what they want and as they want.
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