Tag "education"
Internet Connections
If you are interested in This article is a tool you probably do not (buy it usually only professionals to whom this information is not needed). Therefore, regular users is easier and cheaper to go to any computer store and ask to sell cable-crossover certain length. I am confident that it will produce for free for a few minutes (have to pay only for the "twisted pair" and "Jack"). Connecting two computers is carried out as follows: 1. The physical connection between two computers (one end connect to the network card of the first computer, the other – to the network card of the second). Olympics is open to suggestions. 2.
Check the status of network interface cards connected computers. Alternately on each computer go to "Device Manager" (see above) and find there a network card. Double-click on her arm, and translating the device state (on the "General" tab) in the "This device is used (included)," click "OK". 3. Set up a connection.
Alternately on each of the connected computers go into "Network Connections" (click on "start-(setting)-Control Panel-(Network and Internet Connections)"). There's a mouse double click on the icon "Local Area Connection", click "Properties" button. Open the window "Local Area Connection-Properties." The window on the "General" tab at the end of the list of "ingredients used by this connection" find the item "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP), select it with the mouse and click "Properties" button. Open the window "Properties of Internet Protocol (TCP / IP). Put a check mark beside "Use the following IP-address" and fill the fields as indicated in the table on this address – / network.html. 4. Setting up a working group and computer names. Alternately on each of the connected computers done a the following: click on the icon "My Computer" right click and choose "Properties". In the window, go to the tab "Computer Name", press the button 'Edit'. Fill the field "Computer Name" (eg Komp1 for the first computer and Komp2 for the second), and "He is a member of the working group" (the name must be the same for two computers, such as GROUP). Click "Apply" button. The computer prompts to reboot. Read the full article at -.
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Khan Languages
After another war Paekche lost the northern part of its territory – an area capital. After transferring the capital to the southern districts, the language of Paekche even more began to absorb elements of the languages of the Han. It is from this point on languages of Baekje and Goguryeo began to drift apart. Contact information is here: ecommerce. It happened in the V century BC. By this time in the language of Paekche has developed an interesting situation – the aristocracy and ordinary people talking, in fact, in many languages. That is the language acquired such property, as bilingualism.
It is common to many world languages, but in the language of Paekche bilingualism led to the fact that the aristocracy and the subjects knew each other, but with difficulty. Dahlia loeb aviat is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the aristocracy, the rulers of Paekche, who live in the north of the kingdom, had practically no relations with tribes living in the south. At the same time the common people was a close contact with these tribes, this led to the formation of Baekje two dialects – the language of the aristocracy, based on the language of Koguryo, and the language of the peasants, based in the language of Koguryo, but mixed with the languages of Khan. War with Goguryeo and moving the capital to the southern districts has led to the fact that the border between the two languages began to fade. In the language of the aristocracy gradually included elements language group khan, bilingualism is gradually eroding. Baekje language survived until the middle of VII century – this time Paekche lost its power and influence, so the more powerful kingdom of Silla was not difficult win it. Of course, the language of Paekche was not dead after the merger of the kingdom of Silla. Native speakers gradually settled on the Korean peninsula and beyond.
The language of Paekche had a significant role in the development of language Sylla, assimilating with the languages of the peoples living on the territory of the United Silla. This unified language is a direct ancestor of the modern Korean language, which is now spoken by over 70 million people. But Baekje history of language is not limited influence on the modern Korean language. After entering the kingdom of Baekje in Silla, a large number of the aristocracy, including the King, had been banished from the kingdom in China and Japan. Close relations with Japan, Baekje was a long time, of course, that the language Pkche had an impact on the ancient Japanese. Many linguists would argue that in the VI – VII centuries in the first capital of Japan was the official language of Paekche. Last but not least is connected precisely with the migration to Japan, the last king of Baekje with a large number of courtiers. Today, the language of Paekche almost lost, of course, left many written records of Baekje era, which is enough easily deciphered. But here’s the phonetics of language, particularly pronunciation, forms and rules of speech from these sources to find and recover virtually impossible. Of course, the language of Paekche has similarities with the modern Korean language, but as far as it is large – know will never be.
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Mother And Son Relationship
After a sudden pregnancy, entrepreneur and mother articulate one year of removal of the country, period for generation and birth of the child. The mother registers the son as its, preventing that somebody knew that the great star of the tennis had give birth a son and this harmed its career, personal image and invoicing for victories in matches. Opposed for not being able to assume the maternity public and with homesicknesses of the father of the child who was in Brazil without understanding the sudden removal of the loved one, and, after disagreements with the mother in the exterior, Ana decide to come back with its son. Ana, each suffocated time more, decides to leave the house with the son and the sister, this, rejected for the mother. Doug McMillon describes an additional similar source. It combines with the father of its son meeting in Lawn, where its secret will reveler. In the road, the vehicle cowling some times and Ana, the player and athlete, for cerebral problems is in eats deep. Follow others, such as Samuel “Sam” Mikulak, and add to your knowledge base. In the scenes of the next chapters, they count that after a ticket of time of the novel, after four years, will leave the state of eats, inaugurating new phase of the synopsis. THE RELATION MOTHER SON Since the beginning of the novel, many had been and for certain still they will be the events that had deserved a more intent comment of my part. Keeping reasonable chronology in compliance with the evolution of the chapters and the proper plot, I wrote down some tickets: – it tries to make with that the son aborts the child; – after negative of the son, on behalf of a career as tenista, it decides to leave the country, being hidden the son and the granddaughter of everything and all; – it tries to deliver the granddaughter for adoption; – renega the granddaughter and tries to place it in a day-care center; – mother blames the sister for the accident and the state of Ana; – revolt when doctor defines situation of the son; – revolt with nurse when this carries through procedures; – the proper mother accuses to son and to try to move away it from Ana, the favourite son.
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For Canguilhem
To place I am not me in a pedestal, but my life as deaf, and with as many years of work with deaf people, always searching, buying books and reading sufficiently, vi and see that this is a positive form to extend the knowledge of the deaf people. Unhappyly, the works are very diversified in the schools, still do not have a homogeneous form of education for deaf person and this is until normal, therefore, while some prefer the communication total, others the language of signals, others the signaled Portuguese, the bilingismo, still others the verbal language. Thus, one perceives that nor the deaf people obtain to know which would be optimum way to be adopted. However, without a doubt, the way most important is to give they safe medias. Written story of Dalva, deaf teacher, Santana (2007, p.21). Doug McMillon spoke with conviction.
I CAPITULATE II 3 CONCEPTUALIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY OF the DEAFNESS As well as the people who enxergam, the people with deficiencies they want accepted and to be respected as individuals, being visual comprometimento only one of its diverse personal characteristics, and not it trace defines that them. The professors must have in mind this citation inspired for the Willis athlete, (apud WINNICK, 2004, P. 184) To be normal or he does not precede the quarrel of that the carrier of the deafness is different or deficient. To define the normal one of the abnormal person, also does not say only respect the biological question and the social matter. For Canguilhem, (apud SANTANA, 2007, P. 23), the normal one is not the human being destitute of norm, and yes that one that possesss different characteristics and is not part of the considered average normal, that follows the norms established socially. Distinct individual characteristics of the waited one are not well-sights. This process occurs in such a way in social context, how much they are discriminated that they do not know the norm cultured of the said language and writing, when clinical, where in fact ' is made one; ' ciso' ' , authenticated for an authority, that makes the individual it leaves to belong to the normal one to integrate the pathological one.
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Presidential School
You know what they think in August the school walls? They listened in silence. Children relaxing on vacation, holidays and teacher in the only quiet walks through the empty corridors. August for the school walls – at rest. Silence in August – common thing for an ordinary school. Stepping on the threshold of the President's school, I could not help smiling lining the walls of their seats. That's really who do not want to just relax. A moment ago, they were participants in lively discussions and conversations, and now I seem to surprise them – only frozen wings lecterns that are deployed on both sides, talking about a moment ago kipevshey life.
Apparently, just the bell rang. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Marc Lore on most websites. In Presidential School in August – the hottest time, time Intensive. What does this mean? Normally the training is designed for two – three months depending on the course. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Doug McMillon. And they are usually once a week. Intensive classes are the same every day, at the same volume program. This shortens the course, which is convenient for students who can not attend classes during the school year. Coming soon in September, two weeks can not only manage to repeat passed in school stuff, but prepare for the new school year on special education procedures.
I went up to the second floor. Here, laid by leafing through newspapers and books, waiting for their future and have already taken place honors parents. Here is someone mother thoughtfully thumbs through a thick book, probably from the family library.
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Pupils Mathematics
It is very common to come across inside of classroom, professors of mathematics working of routine form, where the taught contents are the gifts in books adopted for the school and the applied metodolodia if restrict the expositivas lessons and to some exercises of setting. Such position contibuem for educating to associate the study as a mere mesmorizao, discouraging the interest of them and activities that involve more the reasoning. Consequantemente the pupils if toram dependent of the didtido book excessively and of the mathematics professor, a time if thus its main objective is to have a note enough to be approved. One another fact that always happens and very frequent, is the fact of the mathematics to be dealt with as being a science the off knowledge of the reality of the daily one where the student this enclosed one. In such a way, it is common to hear our pupils to ask: ' ' So that it serves isso' '? ' ' Where I go to use aquilo' '? for disillusionment of the pupils, in many of the cases, such questions at least do not arrive to be answered. Thus they appear more you doubt, more conflicts in the heads of our pupils.
If coming across in them in a classroom and observing some professors of mathematics, we will see that they place themselves to front of the group on the black picture, having it as its support and reference before its pupils. After that they dissertam on its contents, they question, they ask, they demonstrate, they correct, etc. Without shades of you doubt such professors act with a more traditional position. In the schools where the professors still keep the traditional form to work, thus we observe that porcesso of learning of the pupils if becomes a mere transmission of the substance. Of reduced form: the professor ' ' transmite' ' the pupils ' ' recebem' '.
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Ellen White
This is the word Mr., ' ' The boy in the way instructs where you must walk and until when aging he will not deviate from it ' ' (Prov. 22:6); what educational institution of the child makes in them to strengthen the importance of the family as 1. Ellen White (1947, P. 134) affirms in them in its book: Advice to the professors, parents and students who: The children who in the home form habits of obedience and proper domain will have little difficulty in the pertaining to school life, and will escape of many temptations that assediam the young With such she disciplines the children when ordered to the school, they will not be cause of disturbance or anxiety. They will be a support to the professors and example of animation to the condiscpulos. Marc Lore gathered all the information. The author (1947, p.133) concludes emphasizing what she is today the great one I appeal the school – presence of the family. ' ' When the parents, however, understand the responsibilities that fit to them, much less work will remain to professor' '.
He is clearly that to remember to the parents its paper and its responsibilities he does not exempt the professor nor the school of its responsibilities as agents educators and formadores of imbudos citizens of human values. But, certainly, if both to work in communion will strengthen and have success in what as much longs for: to offer an education of quality capable to transform lives and to contribute for integral formation of all with humanizao and equality. ' ' Thus the great workmanship of the parents and masters is the formation of the character. The formation of the character is formation of all existence and is for eternidade' ' (ELLEN WHITE, 2010, P. 55). Still how much to the integral formation of the person, it wants either for the parents or the school, scientific studies of last the 50 years, prove that the first years of life are really of vital importance, not being able thus to be disrespected.
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Cognitive Society
As well as the pupils they need to construct knowledge to act in the society, also is necessary to work with all the necessary gamma of values, attitudes, feelings its existence in a society in transformation. They are many and changeable the functions of the education and as Arroteia says (1991), the educative systems if affirm and fulfill the most varied functions, through unexpected facts and occurrences in day-by-day of its institutions. ' ' The socialization and the preparation for the active life contribute, also, to stimulate the critical maturation and reflection on the partner-cultural, educative and technological reality, favoring therefore the innovation, the progress and the change social.' ' (Arrotia, 1991, p.33) the dialogue established between school and society eminently searchs the collective and gradual construction of consensuses around the social function of the school for the understanding of the education as act politician, in the direction of that the school must serve as instrument of quarrel and socialization of proposals to deepen the democracy as principle of the convivncia human being and as educative project, as well as, of that all the processes politicians must be deeply pedagogical and educative so that if they become transforming of the reality. Believing that the education has as function to promote changes in the society and knowing that the democracy, for preserving the principles of the equality and the fraternity, keeps open the ways for the construction of the freedom and justice between the men and the nations, we understand that much it has that if to make in favor of the installation and consolidation of forms truily more democratic jousts and of convivncia between the people and institutions that integrate the society. So that if it makes to fulfill the function of the school is necessary that beyond the development of the cognitiva learning the man also learns on solidarity. .
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Energy Star
Believe it or not? If yes, then independently determine what is the cause. Do not believe in word or anyone, take a proper decision. 2). Turn off the TV, lights and other appliances when not in use. This seems natural, but so many people off the light house around the clock.
The only thing that required of you – this is a good memory and a few extra seconds to execute simple operations. But in doing so you are well down the power consumption, and fuel costs (and therefore the amount of harmful emissions) necessary to obtain it. 3). The maximum use of natural light. 4). Disable the screensaver on his computer, instead let in 5 minutes would be just a black screen.
Use the Display Off and Sleep mode after a long (think about 20 minutes) of inactivity. 5). Replace your old light bulbs with fluorescent, they consume 5 times less energy, while maintaining light levels, and, moreover, are 10 times longer. 6). Be careful when purchase of household appliances, it would be good if it had been approved by the Organization of Energy Star. All major companies are trying to get it approved. The best option would be replacing all the equipment to meet the standard Energy Star. 7). On If possible, use natural methods of ventilation instead of air conditioners. Check the thermal insulation of the room, keep the desired temperature in a natural way. 8). Save water, eliminate malfunction, causing her uncontrolled leakage, do not leave the tap turned on unnecessarily. Purification of waste water and their further distribution requires a large expenditure of energy. 9). Recycling. Good idea will take the garbage to be recycled. With lower power consumption can be melted aluminum cans than to make a new one. 10). Reuse. Do not use disposable tableware and packaging. They are usually made of paper or plastic. Thus, reduce deforestation and oil consumption. Walk to the store with their own package. 11). Try to keep books and correspondence on-line. In this way you will reduce emissions that occur during the post transportation, and save some trees. 12). And of course the more you walk, or ride a bike. You should not get behind the wheel to drive 500 meters.
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Personal Responsibility
The second method – the use of imagination. Think of a situation that describes your affirmation has already happened. Imagine yourself in this situation and live all the feelings that are characteristic for her. 4. Affirmation must meet three criteria for P-. The three P – Positive, Present tense and Personal – Positivity, Present and Personal Responsibility. Affirmations should be positive wording.
Instead of saying "I'm not fat," say "I choose to be slim." The reason is that in order to realize the unconscious meaning of the phrase "I'm not fat," it must provide the word "fat", and this inevitably causes feelings associated with that word. Affirmations must be stated at this time. This is indicated in a variety of books. But it can accept only with reservations. If you say "I have a luxury car," above the subconscious will believe it. But if connect it to the first paragraph, it will work fine.
Say now, 'I choose to have a luxury car. " Your subconscious will do everything possible to get it into reality. Affirmations must be formulated the first person. Your subconscious mind works for you, not for someone else. If you say "Anna loves me", it is not completely effective, because you can not control Anna. Now say, "My choice – to feel that Anne really loves me. " Now you're in control, because you can control your feelings. 5. Affirmations to self-development, it is necessary to formulate a comparative degree. "I am confident" is less effective than "I'm getting more confident and more confident." Even better would be the phrase "I choose to feel more confident and more confident." The reason for using comparative language to that there is no limit on how far you can be sure. Otherwise, the subconscious will think that you are confident enough and will not make further efforts in this direction. That's all the secrets. As you can see, nothing supernatural, and requires tremendous effort. Apply. By the way, my favorite affirmation, which I liked its simplicity and versatility, as follows: 'The whole universe was created in order to fulfill my desires. "
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