Tao Rich
Remarkably, your ideas will never be known for your competitors. It’s great for business. – I am evil, – says the first. – Not bad, but demanding. – I’m good-natured. – So, you would be happy to help people. – I’m too stubborn – Excellent, you’ll be hard to achieve goals. – I scattered some. – Just a creative person. So the wise father of two sons made happy with the different characters. Why are we doing? All adults who understand that everything is relative. Proper self-esteem – it is not simply increased self-esteem, rather, it is an adequate self-esteem. Having done the first exercise, we realized what we are really white and fluffy in the second exercise, we realized that the qualities that we desire to possess, can play a cruel joke with us, and the qualities that we already possess, can help us. Is it better to be natural than putting on a mask of extrinsic qualities you – the people because it is very difficult to cheat. As an illustration of what I said today I want to suggest you look online ballet performance in the ‘Hand in Hand “Performed by Chinese dancers Ma Li (girl) and Zhai Xiaowei (guy). I do not partners legs, and his partner – hands … The history of these two lives and this speech is as follows: Lee was a young, beautiful and full of promise, a professional ballerina. Until the age of 19 she got in a car accident. Her arm was amputated, and even then she decided that’s it: now it passes away. All the more so after it threw everything but the parents, and her pretty boyfriend fled as soon as they learned of her misfortune, and operations. Life was over and she put the point: it took his own life. But it had save parents accidentally returned home. The guy (Tao) on the contrary, not doing any sports or ballet. He was a very ordinary boy, until he kick into gear. Leg amputated, and the Tao became disabled. It is only later, he involved and jumping, and diving and many more sports. But then he met Lee. He was a complete novice in the ballet. She – a professional, but also with very high standards and perfectionism. The details of that from this meeting turned out can be found on our website. The conclusion that potential which we possess is sufficient to achieve success in any field. But there’s more good news – you can increase capacity, increase. It is our starting point, the point ‘A’ – awareness of who we are and where we want to move. If you think that you something is missing for success – look at their ‘mirror’, do the second exercise again and be sure to review the ballet “Hand in Hand ‘All the recommended articles, books and videos can be found on our website’ network path ‘Lola Pirhal