The GAL Coast In Place

  • ATTENTION: VIRUS GABRIELO ATTACKS PROFESSIONAL ABILITY Music Gabriela, Cravo and Canela ' ' I was born thus, I I grew thus I I am exactly thus I go to be always thus Gabriela, always gabriela I I am always equal The GAL Coast In the work environment, beyond the ability technique, the necessary professional to present other abilities, to be adept and to have specific knowledge on the played function, is only one part of the necessity demanded in the professional market. The person who says: ' ' I am thus same! ' '. Beyond demonstrating inflexibilidade he is a great accountant of I cause, nobody is born with 1,70m, more than paving 36 and with work wallet. The Gabrielo virus is a derivative of the family Gabriela, Cravo and Canela. Acomete people who repeat or if holds as if the life was invariant.

    Some of the symptoms: they do not like to hear critical; they sing with frequency ' ' I was born &#039 thus; ' or they say ' ' I am thus same I am my skill I do not go to only move to please the others ' ' ; capacity limited of if placing in the place of the other; inflexibilidade and difficulty with changes. In greater or minor degree we have autopreservao direction and the changes scare, generate discomfort. After all, to leave the known one for the stranger generates a queerness sensation. The human being already is born crying, bebezinho when moving of environment emits its first one and thundering I cry. What it happened? It moved of a protected place, for a different place and that they demand different behaviors, as the contact with air, noise, luminosity and tactile sensation.

    Probably filminho in its head passed one, remembering of that you know. But before imagining a fellow worker or a next person, it thinks about you. How it walks its ability of change, acceptance of critical, capacity of if placing in the place of the other? Before looking the Gabrielo virus in the others, we go to search it of we ourselves inside. First it is necessary to diagnosis if it is active or inactive inside of our system. Perhaps the greater badly of this virus is the self-diagnosis difficulty, therefore that one that is acometido by it, does not recognize its existence and its symptoms. In the presence of the presented symptoms, we indicate the following remedies for who coexists the carrier of the Gabrielo virus: affection, understanding, good will, honesty and mainly much dialogue. For who it has the Gabrielo virus: reflection, reevaluation of the attitude I obtain exactly and with the others, availability to hear and will to move.