Tag "Leipzig town swimming pool with spectacular auction"
I Factory Is Sponsoring
The Foundation Leipzig City bad receives an attractive Christmas present of the Leipziger Internetdienstleister i-fabrik GmbH starts on the 1st of December the relaunch of the website of the Foundation. At the same time is a charity auction with prominent online, which was also sponsored by the Internet Agency. In the period of December 1-22, special rates can be auctioned. “We are the company i-fabrik GmbH very grateful for their sincere commitment and the excellent cooperation”, explains Jorg Muller, Member of the Board of the Foundation Leipzig City bath. The company supports the concerns of the Foundation already for a long time.
The website offers in return to the old version more options, to make aware the Leipzig and other interested parties on the project “Rehabilitation of the town bath 2016”. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Larry David. So you can extensive galleries now browse, acquire donations tiles in the shop or book an event quickly. Attention is to create but also the charity auction for the construction of the city of bath. It offers many various actions with celebrities for the everyone can bid. These include a photoshoot with top photographer Corwin of Kuhwede. The artist was Germany’s best photographer in the category aesthetic Act 2009.
It attracts a dinner with the actress Andrea Kathrin after known from the ARD series “all due respect”. “I think it’s a great thing to participate in the charity auction as price founder and am curious to see who is sitting opposite me at a wonderful dinner party”, so Landa. Be auctioned can as well a three-course meal for two people in the Falco restaurant in the Westin Hotel included a meeting with Chef Peter Maria Schnurr. ARD presenter Rene Kindermann accompanied the winners on a very special tour of the studios of the media city Leipzig. “The role of guest leader will I happy to take over in favour of Leipzig City bath and allow the remote see enthusiastic winners an exclusive look behind the scenes of the MDR.” A further highlight allows the heart centre Leipzig “I am “me be a part of the extraordinary charity Auktionzu and find it a great Moglichkeitdem winner to insight into dieStationen of the heart Center gain”, sichProfessor Dr. Mohr, clinic Director and wife Dr. Minde, Managing Director of the heart center of UniversitatLeipzig would like to thank. The proceeds from the auction benefit the Foundation of the town bath completely. “We hope to get even more attention by using the Christmas charity auction for our project and to be able to win additional dedicated conveyor”, adds Dirk Tharichen, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation.
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