Basic Education
Also the law of lines of direction and bases of the National Education, to foresee the Education Ambient, as a line of direction for the resume of the Basic Education, emphasizing in its article of 12, the incumbency of the educational establishments ' ' to articulate with the families and the community, being created processes of integration of the society with escola' ' , also it charges the professors ' ' colaborar' ' with the activities of joint of the school with the families, and the community. In accordance with this, the Ministry of the Education presents in the PCN? s the subject: Environment as transversal subject of the resume Pertaining to school. When dealing with the joint of the professors with the family, the PCN? s considers the creation of projects of reading with situations of verbal language, written language, reading and production of texts, campaign for the creation of the pertaining to school library, pertaining to school periodical, cultural fair and exposition of works. ' ' The basic characteristic of a project is that it has an objective shared for all the involved ones, that if express in an end item in function of which they work, moreover, the projects allow to make use of the time have the size necessary to conquer the objective, can be of some days or some months. Ecommerce often addresses the matter in his writings. When they are of long duration still the additional advantage to allow the planning of its stages with the pupils, are occasions where they can take decisions on many questions: to control the tasks, to evaluate the results in function of the initial plan, etc. (P.62.). The work with the Half Ambient subject that if considers, will have to bring an ample vision that not only involves natural elements of the environment, more also the constructed elements and all the involved social aspects in the ambient question. . Some contend that gymnast shows great expertise in this.