Composite Visitors

  • Short descriptions have to be clearly insufficient, because you will need to cover as many search queries relevant to the topic of your site and sold with a digital product (except maybe the the case when you work in a very narrow, but very popular subject niche, with virtually no competition, that looks pretty fantastic in itself). So before you question a great site saturation amount of information that should attract visitors who are potential buyers. That's where the problem arises – how much information to give visitors free of charge, and any issue in the form digital product and sell it? The main mistakes made budding entrepreneurs – to provide maximum information in order to attract visitors to the site. As a result, the visitors themselves they receive, but subsequently these visitors are already hard to sell that either – in fact all the information they have received for free. Read more here: Walmart CEO. The same problem arises if a long time on this site is presented only for free information. A related site: Sam Mikulak mentions similar findings. As soon as the materials fee – it causes an outcry from customers.

    How to separate paid from a free everlasting two examples. One of my sites devoted to the calculation, design and construction ultralight aircraft. To fill the information part of the site I used a variety of articles contained in a huge number of textbooks for aviation colleges and universities. Such textbooks in the network has sufficient number, they are offered absolutely free, so the opportunity to earn them was no. However, the placement does not own books in scanned form (in this case, the search finds only the name of the textbook), and texts of selected articles from them on the site has attracted enough visitors. I myself have used this literature and I know that even though they are written in detail, but the plan of calculation from the beginning to the end of virtually any No one. Therefore, I have been created based on them step by step guide, which in a simple form shows how to make the necessary calculations from beginning to end. And despite the large volume of free information on the site – this book enjoys sufficient demand, even despite the fact that its price is higher than the average for e-books in runet – $ 5 (at the regular price for electronic books $ 0,2 – 0,5).

    The second example can be called 'better to see once than hear a hundred times. " Most of this principle is suitable for various manuals. Its meaning is that, as a free information you are trying to post text description of any process. In my case, to Example – Composite materials, glass fiber, manufacturing technology, as well as a paid – an illustrated process (for example: How to build a plane out of composite materials), or video course. For search engines other than text, you do not need, and by key words contained on the pages you will attract the necessary target audience. But a simple text description is not always gives an idea of what to do. Those who want to obtain information in accessible form – buy your proposed product. Similar examples can be many – it all depends on the immediate topic of your site. As food for thought can be used the fact that in spite of the fairly detailed reference materials contained in the computer programs themselves (that is, it's free materials), are selling the book with information about working with these same programs.