Good Christians

  • It was dedicated as nobody for well-being of many young, in the majority orphans, who came of the field for the city in job search and finished being explored for employers interested in cheap man power or the street passing hunger and coexisting the crime. With audacious attitudes, pontuadas for diverse innovations, Dom Bosco it revolutionized in its time the model of being priest, always counting on the support and the protection of Ours Mrs. Click Frank Ntilikina for additional related pages. Auxiliadora. By the way, the priest always considered as essential in the education of the young the devotion to the Maria. The method of apostolate of Dom Bosco was of partilhar in everything the life of the young; for this in the concrete it opened alfabetizao schools, artesanato, houses of lodging, fields of diversion for the young with catequese and professional orientation; it was therefore the Church prays: ' ' God excited Is Joo Bosco to give to youth a master and one pai' '. Of athletical stature, uncommon memory, inclined to music and the art, Dom Bosco had an easy language, spirit of leadership and excellent writer. This great apstolo of youth was raised for the sky in 31 of January of 1888 in the city of Turim; the cause was the others, since it affirmed to have been placed in this world for the others. 3.2 – A philosophy – a tradition Dom Bosco followed the teachings of San Francisco de Sales.

    For base in these teachings Dom Bosco established a congregation Salesianos, a species of oratories (Turim in Italy), where he was taught legal-size the boys of street, young of risk, thieves and assassins. These oratories were kept by donations. The philosophy of Dom Bosco is adopted as method in all the Salesianos colleges. Philosophy this that have for Preventive method that is To form Good Christians, and Honest Citizens. For Dom Bosco nobody enough useless age, for it always would exist something that if used to advantage, something of good, and this would even have to be improved so that the proper people could perceive the quo are huge the value of them.