Language Curiosities
Motu proprio How many times have we heard or used the word "motus own" or "motus own"? many right? The Dictionary of Doubts and problems of Spanish Manuel Rafael Arago tells us the following: for / of self vs motus. Motu proprio: This is a Latin adverb meaning literally "own motion" and is used with the value of "voluntarily, of their own free will." For example: I did motu proprio. Therefore, avoid a "motu proprio." This expression should not be preceded by any preposition. Hence the expression "de motus own" or "motus own" are incorrect and should be avoided to use the correct Spanish. gree. The rocket "Why should I study? Is the gooseneck! "No ladies and gentlemen, I am not mistaken. This expression is completely correct and accepted by the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy) … maybe I'm being a little sinning "vulgar." Let's see: The Rocket: Speech adverbial meaning "vain, in vain." The SAR is covered in the Supplement to his Dictionary (1970 edition) as belonging to Argentina and Uruguay, countries where it is considered vulgar.
It is also used as an adjective phrase, with the value of "useless." Meanwhile, the expression "Al Cueto" is a popular variation of the phrase "the rocket". Mogollon "I like that Mogollon" It's a very common expression in Spain which means, according to the Dictionary of the RAE "long, with abundant" The site says: "The origin of the phrase seems to be eating Mogollon, which means eating at the expense of another person or in a strange house, and without help. Formerly much used, together with other extensions such as enter Mogollon (uninvited), slip of Mogollon (no fee) or simply Mogollon that once meant something done quickly lightly. Deriving from the Latin word mulgeo (milk), could refer to the lamb, being without a mother, will feed other sheep's milk. But according to the Wikipedia online dictionary: "The Mogollon Culture is the name applied to one of the four main 'traditions' prehistoric archaeological southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. Native American culture known as the Mogollon lived in the Southwest (New Mexico and Texas) and northern Mexico (Chihuahua and Sonora) from approximately 700 BC C. until sometime between 1300 and 1400. "Bibliography: ARAG, Manuel Rafael. Dictionary of doubts and problems of Spanish, Buenos Aires: El Ateneo, 1995.