Mathematical School
When creating these analogies, become producing of languages, creators of conventions, enabling themselves to submit the rules and to give explicaes’ ‘ (BRASIL/MEC/SEF, 1997, P. 35). The games are tools that cannot be brought the descontextualizado classroom of form they cannot is disentailed of the content to be repassed, to be efficient the professor must have well elabarados domain of the activity and objectives, therefore, in case that contrary, it will be object of frustration in such a way for it how much for the pupil. This tool, assists in the teach-learning process as School is demonstrated in the Notebook of the TV: PCN in the Mathematical School 1, in which it is considered to a classroom of 1 Series (1 Semester) an activity of numerical ordinance: bingo. So that the exchange of information ocorrresse the pupils had been organized in pairs, thus one could is giving has supported the other at moments of doubts, providing to both the construction of the knowledge. One of the dialogues told for teacher, who calls the attention, she happens enters when he is ‘ ‘ cantado’ ‘ number 53, the pupil uses the knowledge of its reality to assist the correct marking, it informs its friend who the number of its house is 50, and questions it that it is not this number whom they look, when making a new comparison, with the number of the house of its friend who in the case is 57 the pupil can conclude that the first position in all the cases always remained the same one and was enough to substitute the second position that would find the number desired, that is, the association between already known and the new. As nor all the pupils had not obtained to have a reasoning that made possible the relation between the atidade proposal and its daily one, the teacher perceived the round necessity of the work with number.
As she disciplines it to Gomes of Mathematics finishes if becoming a monster in the minds them pupils, had the educators to practice insistently metodogogias who make it difficult the process education learning of educating in the subjects the numbers and operations in the initial series. for Blumenthal, the failure occurs badly because the innovations brought for the mathematical educators are badly interpret and/or used in classroom. If for education, in general way, do not exist ready formulas why to believe that with it disciplines of mathematics would be different? The mathematics is an operation of addition, therefore it joins, congregates and adds it the diverse ones to know.