Seahorse German Swimming Badge
What is actually the German swimming badge seahorse? The seahorse is the target of a swimming course German swimming badge. Mostly however learn the swimming for children. However, this is not the correct goal for all adults who would like to learn swimming. What you you actually for the Seahorse German swimming badge all can? You must discard following smaller checks for a paralegal for bathing establishments (lifeguard): you must jump from the edge of the pool in the water you must be able to 25 meters swimming, without making a break you have to get up a shoulder deep water diving ring we go the points once to the bottom and look how we can teach our children: to 1.) To jump from the edge of the pool, you can do easily in a non-swimmer area. First let his child in the shallow area of water jump, and if it is afraid of jumping, you should catch it. Then you can further increase the depth and to build that trust to the water. 2.) This is a long process. First, you should practice the legs with a floating Board in the non-swimmer area.
Best with the “frog, bird, fish” method. We put on the legs like a frog, they make far apart like a bird and fast and powerful together like a fish. Then, you should practice the arm stroke with a floating noodle under the armpits separately. Only the coordination exercise and already is one the German swimming badge seahorse closer. 3.) Here too it should improve again in the non-swimmer area in the flat practice and the depth, till you’re shoulder deep in water.
This is a great way to learn swimming. And now you can take the exam on the Seahorse hope German swimming badge. The seahorse German swimming badge would cost between 1.50 and 2.50 and consists of a small certificate and a patch. Now my tip for adult non-swimmers: it is embarrassing, of course, if you want to make the Seahorse as an adult. But especially adults need a confirmation that you have learned to swim. Should be here you try the German sports badge. Many athletes do that. For this purpose you must be able to nineteen 200 metres swimming. And with a little practice, this can be done for everyone. And it is free of charge and is removed by a specialist for bathing establishments. Here we go for a swim learn instructions: