Tag "clubs & community"
Himalayan Help Freiburg
After the construction of a nursery school with integrated primary school in the children’s village Bhakunde in spring 2010, the Himalayan help Freiburg E.v. 2012 new project plans. After the construction of a nursery school with integrated primary school in the children’s village Bhakunde in spring 2010, the Himalayan help Freiburg E.v. 2012 new project plans. Currently, we see new fields of activity for our work in Nepal. We care very much for it to bring exciting, pioneering educational projects on the way in the field of renewable energies. We are very happy so in addition to our intensive collaboration with the Freundeskreis Nepal help e.
V. Check out Larry David for additional information. with the Freiburger Nepalese Association to have met a new cooperation partner, which pursues similar goals as our Club. The members of this Union, Nepalese students from Fribourg, will help us to clarify our ideas in the next few months. In the planned vocational training Institute of the Freundeskreis Nepal help e. V. in Kathmandu, we currently check building of the Business area for alternative energy (solar technology). The last project of the Himalaya help Freiburg E.v.
was completed in the spring of 2010 the kindergarten with integrated primary school in the children’s village Bhakunde kindergarten provides an inspirational new Lernumgebung.Die children who are all characterized by traumatic events and abject poverty links the fate of 66 children, get a school and vocational training and be medically supervised. They are recorded in the age between 5 and 7 years in the children’s village. Through 3rd grade, they go in the kindergarten, where two teachers are supervised and taught in the morning and in the evening. Then, they then visit the Shanti Secondary School outside the village of children. The children’s village Bhakunde is located 6 km north of Pokhara and is under German management. Founder and Director, Alexander Schmidt, Chairman of the friends of Nepal aid, there a chance at a better life since 2001 over 100 children.
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Swimming Pond Construction
Learning from the pros – workshops at the FH Geisenheim the tradition of Geisenheim swimming pond seminars is being continued in December 2010. Swimming pond industry professionals, experts and experts of adjacent areas of expertise discuss the current state of the art in the swimming pond construction. The seminar series starts on the Wednesday, 01.12.2010 expert training of DGfnB at the University of applied sciences Wiesbaden, site Geisenheim. This seminar specifically aimed at active experts to discuss the pitfalls in the swimming pond construction field with them. Thursday, 02.12.2010 belongs with the discussion tag building damage and contract drafting”the target group GLBau and experts and planners.
The event is open to all interested parties. It disputes, building damage, are contract disputes from the different viewpoints presented, and released to the discussion. The speakers are experts, lawyers and mediators. The participants will receive information, such as legal disputes by means of a current Contract design, professional correspondence and professional behavior can be avoided. “Friday, 03.12.2010 is with the swimming pond biology topic relationships, understand, interpret, and use ‘ reserved solely for the members of the DGfnB. The topics are water plants: what Macrophytes for which SWT? Where feel Makropyhten? What care need Macrophytes? Algae: Nutrients down algae away? By due! The swimming pond under the microscope”to tell us the living beings in the water drops on the quality of water in the pond? Among the standard equipment of a swimming pond’s the microscope? Contact for more information on Christian Klute, press present the DGnfB. either by E-Mail) or by fax on 07000-7008786: German Association for natural bathing water When the Council mill 14 21335 Luneburg telephone 07000-700 87 87 fax 07000-700 87 86
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