Tag "diseases"

  • Athlete

    So, if you sweat heavily, often wash with cool water and wipe dry. Against Athlete's Foot will also help correct hygiene, the use of powders, frequent changes of socks. Learn more at this site: NBA. In order not to avoid unnecessary contact with them, 2. not to get new growth on the genitals, it is advisable to use a condom – especially if you have a new partner, the state of health is not aware of 3. not so large that you probably choose the one that will fit your needs 2. as stated, warts often appear in people with weakened immune systems. So try to normalize the power is more fresh fruits, vegetables, and spend more time outdoors, take a trip to relax on the sea or the forest. A number of cases it is advisable to take multivitamin preparations, of course, after consultation with the doctor.

    For strengthen the immune system will also be useful in moderate exercise, sun and air baths, hardening, and 3. Warts can appear after a person has severe mental disturbances. It is therefore advisable to learn cope with stress, how strong it may be 4. if you touch the warts, their or someone else, wash your hands thoroughly with hot soapy water, then wipe dry skin with a towel. Removal of warts There are many people means getting rid of warts. But at best they are ineffective, at worst – self-removal of tumors may lead to their degeneration. Therefore, if the skin you find yourself kind of neoplasm, contact dermatologist. It was a doctor, not a beauty salon, as only a dermatologist can determine if this is really a wart, and advise how best to remove it. Cryolysis This method is known for a long time, and it is based on the use of low temperatures. Namely – to use nitrogen, which is cooled to a temperature of -196 C and thus converted from gas to liquid.

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  • Ekaterinburg Water

    In the advanced sections of veins injected a chemical that causes the formation of the scar. As a result, these sites are filled with fibrous tissue and stop bleeding. Sometimes the nodes to be removed surgically. In this vein at the place of the node density ligated and excised node. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy As mentioned above, it is often found in piles of pregnant women. It can be caused by intra-abdominal pressure, which lasted for several months of pregnancy and increased during childbirth. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. External nodes can be felt.

    Domestic same – not visible and thus more dangerous. They can cause heavy bleeding, consequence of which could be anemia, pregnancy is not desired. Prevention of hemorrhoids hemorrhoid appearance contributes to poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, misuse of alcoholic drinks, frequent use of laxatives and enemas, weight lifting, as well as birth defects of the structure of veins. Disease prevention should begin early, when manifestations of hemorrhoids yet. Need to keep moving lifestyles often make walking. Recipes of traditional medicine 1). Squeeze the juice of fruits of mountain ash. Take 3 times a day for cup.

    2). You can make the collection for the bath and poultices. Mix 50 oz. oak bark, 30 oz. horsetail grass, 20 oz. root field harrow. The broth is prepared as follows: 1-2 tablespoons of the collection pour 1 cup of hot boiling water and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then cooled at room temperature for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and bring to boiling water 200 ml. All of the above recipes but will remove the pain. At the first sign of illness is strongly advised to consult a doctor. In Ekaterinburg there is a great clinic "Uro-Pro" (), where all of your sensitive issues will decide by qualified doctors, proctology. Hundreds of grateful patients – that is our pride! We will be happy to assist you!

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  • Thrombophlebitis

    Prevention of thrombophlebitis. Any educated person, not just a doctor, should know that thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of the lower extremities is a complication of diseases leading to chronic venous failure. When the first symptoms of distress on the part of the venous system (edema of the foot and ankle by the end of the day, feeling of heaviness in the legs, leg cramps, the emergence of extended nodes in the form of veins that konturiruyut clearly in an upright position), the patient should seek medical attention. The patient should realize that if the disease is detected early, it can be cured without surgery or using a minimum surgery. Therefore, the sooner he turns to the doctor, the better and more reliable will be the results of treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, which prevents the development of varikotromboflebita.

    Of great importance has a way of life. It is known that people who lead sedentary lives, varicose veins occur in no more than 10% of cases. If most of the work and spend leisure time sitting, the disease develops in 25-30%. Persons whose professional activity involves prolonged stay motionless in a standing position, are at greatest risk. Varicose disease affects 65% of them. That is why even the appearance of signs chronic venous insufficiency should not lead to a decrease in physical activity of the patient. On the contrary, people at high risk of venous diseases of lower limbs and their initial manifestations requires long walks, special exercises (you can do any exercise while sitting and lying). Useful and desirable for some sports such as swimming, jogging, cycling.

    It should be warn patients of significant weight lifting, sports-related risk of leg injuries. It is desirable to avoid a close, tight-fitting clothes and shoes narrow high heels. Also undesirable for patients with symptomatic venous insufficiency thermal procedures (bath, sauna, sun exposure or in the solarium).

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