Tag "Equipment"
Door To Class IV
Class burglary door is defined by Table 1, on minimum value of the resistance of the EU door series of tests using different tools. Moreover, under partial access means the possibility of penetration through the doorway of the template with a diameter not less than 125 mm, with full access – a template with a diameter less than 350 mm. Table I. Class ustoychivostiMinimalnoe resistance value EChastichny dostupPolny dostupI3050II5080III80120IV120180 For example, I class burglary doors means that the using the manual lever tool of the third group, ie arm with attachments, claw hammer, crowbar or breakage of a length not exceeding 750 mm, the time required to obtain partial and full access through a door must at least 5 minutes and 9, respectively. If you have read about Samuel “Sam” Mikulak already – you may have come to the same conclusion. (Tools of the group assigned to the values of coefficients k and b, equal to 5.) Door To Class IV resistance to cracking the appropriate time should be at least 23, and 35 minutes. Necessary note that the stability of the class door to cracking is determined by the minimum value of EC obtained by comparing different methods of hacking and using different tools.
So The above figures do not mean that any door I can hack class with scrap from the mount in less than 10 minutes. It is possible that used in the door system of active and passive bolts completely rule it out breaking in this way. In this scenario, I-st class door means that there is no other way, for example, requiring the use of special electric cutting tool with an abrasive disc, which, in principle, allows fast enough to get through this door.
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Advantages Pneumatic
Capability of “thick” layer in one pass. High performance. Do not Substrate priming is required “glue” composition. High reliability and long life of equipment. Easy cleaning equipment (air purge). Rare clogged hoses and equipment. Ability mode “start-stop.” The use of dry shotcrete: especially suitable for large-scale renovation projects, where you can organize effectively protected from dust and removal of rebound, which does not require high-quality finish surface and appearance does not matter.
Wet gunned: wet shotcrete ready mixed concrete is pumped through a hose to the nozzle to the place of installation. In the nozzle is supplied compressed air, which is giving acceleration of the concrete mix, drags her onto the substrate. In a collision with the substrate is concrete sealing. The advantages of wet shotcrete: Reduced dust generation. Homogeneous composition of the concrete. Ability final grouting. Ability to work in cramped conditions.
Minimum “rebound.” Minimum cost of protecting the work area from an environmental point of view. Can be used as torkretmashiny Concrete. Prepared for shotcrete concrete can be used for manual application. Raw components shotcrete. Pneumatic. Purpose Pneumatic: Pneumatic is designed to mixing and transport, semi-dry cement-sand mortar, fine concrete, keramsit fraction up to 16 mm. Pneumatic mixing and transports moist sand-cement mortars, fine-grained concrete, expanded clay lightweight concrete and other hard plastic mixture fraction up to 16 mm. Pneumatic may make the ground under a soft roof. The mixture is fed to a height of 100 m and 150 m horizontally compressed air without of Concrete. Principle of Pneumatic: Pneumatic Operation is that the solution is placed in an airtight container penvmonagnetatelya and under the influence of compressed air a la carte supplied and transported by the Delivery line. Pneumatic, in fact, is a versatile machine, and besides, it is absolutely ideal machine for the installation of concrete ties in the reconstructed and newly constructed buildings. German manufacturers of concrete pumps Pneumatic classifies as’ Machines for the application of semi-dry screeds. ” Advantages Pneumatic: 1. The tank is a mounted impeller, which allows preparing a solution of the components immediately before pumping, without applying separately for this mixer. 2. Pneumatic not crucial to the mix (cement-sand, concrete melkofraktsionny, aerated concrete, lime plaster, special waterproofing solutions).
Pneumatic able to pump solutions with a slump 3-8 cm, ie solutions with low water content. 4. Pneumatic does not require connection of large electrical power. 5. The relatively small size and weight, as well as the presence of pnevmoshassi make it easy to move the machine on a construction site. 6. Simple rugged construction and high maintainability. 7. The unit contains virtually no wearing parts, which leads to long life. 8. Price Pneumatic incomparably lower than the nearest (to use) the hydraulic Concrete. Plastering station. Plastering station – is a versatile compact unit that is used to working with all plasters for the mechanical application of the cement and lime, gypsum and gypsum-lime basis for both external and internal work, as well as to fill the floors. The main advantages of stucco station: Works with all mixes for mechanical processing, regardless of the type of binder composition. Work with a unit can even be the same person. Simple and reliable in use. The use of plaster plants in the finishing process allows you to: reduce the time of finishing 3-4 times, 3 times to reduce the number of workers; raise the productivity of plastering up to 35-50 m2 per shift per worker.
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Finnwik Gun
For example, gun Finnwik, made in struezaschitnom performance, are used in bathrooms and other wet areas. Heat generators specially Frico designed for fire and agricultural premises. Portable and stationary thermal gun. Portable heat guns are used for temporary or local heating. Main place of their use – construction sites, workshops, garages, etc. Portable heat guns have different capacities ranging from 3 to 30 kW. They all have a robust metal housing that protects the heat gun on the mechanical and chemical (Corrosion) damage. There are models with extra protection for wet, a fire risk.
Some portable heat gun can be mounted on the wall. On the back side of the case of certain models of guns there socket for electrical appliances with voltage of 220 V, which provides additional comfort when working. Stationary heat guns are often the cheapest way to direct heating. They have very high thermal capacity and easy to install. Automation is built into the device, but can also be supplied as separate accessories, such as temperature control unit (night temperature and weekends) and an external thermostat. VENTILATION AND HEAT AT THE SAME TIME.
Together with the stationary fan heaters can be used by the mixer, which allows you to take outside air and mixing it with air in placed in the desired proportions. It performs the tasks of ventilation and heating simultaneously. With automatic temperature control valve and you can change the ratio of the fence outside and inside air. To ensure a balanced ventilation installed exhaust fans, whose work can be synchronized with the system teploventilyatsii. In pomeschneniyah heaters with high ceilings we recommend use with ceiling fans, designed to equalize the temperature inside the building. This decreases the heat loss through the ceiling and optimally engineered thermal power, which provides significant energy savings along with increased comfort. Guns on the used oil. As the name implies, these guns run on waste oil, or working out. Special attention they deserve in garages and service stations. When changing oil in cars accumulate enough fuel to heat generator. Despite the high cost of the boiler costs will pay off pretty quickly at the expense of free fuel. But the station staff will work in a warm comfortable environment, which will necessarily have a positive impact on quality of work. GUN – IT'S NOT THE HEATER. Differences between heat gun from domestic fan heater significant. Domestic heaters warm the air through a hot coil, which is heated red hot. Because of the high temperature (about 1200 degrees Celsius), it burns oxygen, dust and creates a fire hazard. A heat gun is used in a thick steel heater, whose temperature is two to three times lower. Domestic fans are mostly used for heating apartments and office premises and are made of plastic. Heat gun is not afraid of strikes, it can operate in the harshest conditions: at a construction site, in the garage or workshop, as body is made of solid steel plate.
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