Tag "religion"

  • Hocus Pocus

    CEO' s that professional use, athletes to use it and thus make the people more well-succeeded in all the areas of the life. It is without a doubt the instrument most beneficial, powerful and guided for the available results for all we, but the majority of the people not even knows of this. Better still, after dominating it, not cost nothing, is easy to make and can be used immediately. Many professionals in the diverse areas of cares of health have incorporated in practical its. , More and more independent of its specialties, the doctors use the hypnosis to treat its patients better. Many of them are referring the patients for hipnoterapeutas. During much time the majority of scientists if had opposed to the use of the hypnosis in therapy.

    They had considered as of little or no value. Many discarded ones as ' ' Hocus Pocus' '. However, thanks to the constant untiring effort of that they see its true value, Hipnoterapia is today recognized as a true science in the field of the medicine. Certainly this must help the public in general to have a better vision on this. All the things can be used for the good or the evil. Exactly the religion. Wars had been stopped and still they are being stopped on behalf of the religion. Randall Rothenberg has much experience in this field.

    It does not have nothing new under the sun and that it includes ' ' hipnose' '. The people of God and prophet had entered in ' ' transe' ' to receive revelation from God. When you are trying to substitute a bad habit for a good one, you you are, in essence, that renews its mind. He knows More

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  • Inconsistency

    Former: ' ' If you are not in favor of me then you are against mim.' ' Hasty generalization (false induction): It is the opposite of the Dicto to simpliciter. It occurs when a specific rule is attributed to the generic case. Former: ' ' My it traiu namorada me. Soon, the women tend. &#039 traitorously; ' Inconsistency: To construct a reasoning with contradictory premises. Former: ' ' John is bigger of what Jake and Jake he is bigger of what Fred, while Fred is bigger of what John.' ' Invention of facts: It consists of lying or formulating information inexact.

    Former: ' ' The cause of the grippe is the consumption of arroz.' ' Inversion of cause and effect: To consider a effect as a cause. Former: ' ' The propagation of the BEEN one was provoked by the education sexual.' ' Inversion of the responsibility of the test: When the argumentative one transfers to its opponent the responsibility of to prove the contrary argument, exempting itself to prove the base of its argument. Former: ' ' Dragons exist, because nobody obtained to prove that they not existem.' ' Also it can be used for negative affirmations, as follows: ' ' Dragons do not exist, because nobody obtained to prove that they existem.' ' Negation of the antecedent: This fallacy occurs when it is tried to construct a conditional argument that is not nor of the Way ponens (affirmation of the antecedent) nor in the Tollens Way (negation of the consequent one). Its categorical form is: If then the B. Not It Then not Former B.: ' ' If it has cars then has pollution. It does not have cars. Soon, it does not have poluio.' ' Post hoc I raise to propter hoc: It consists of saying that, for the simple fact of an event to have after occurred the other soon, they have a relation of cause and effect.

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