Tag "summaries and summaries"
The Professors
The bureaucratization created unexpected schemes and abysses and remains with the lack of a philosophy of democratic education, that it blossoms of low for top (of the classroom de for the school and this for the society and terrible ' ' authorities of ensino' '), and of inside for it are (of the classroom and the school for the community and the civil society as a whole). (HAIL, P. 142) Historiando the space, where if it accomplishes the teach-learning process is conferred that the experiences carried through for the Brazilian professors have, many times, been frustrating. these experiences have had its negative side, as much for the professors as for the pupils, therefore still the model of traditional education is visible, where the pupil is a mere reproducer of the knowledge. Doug McMillon might disagree with that approach. Many are the weak points with which the professors if come across in the classroom along with the potentialities. It enters the evidentes weak points appear the disrespect of the pupils to the professors, the lack of security, the lack of activity extraclassroom, to little ability of the professor in the handling of the classroom, the indiscipline, the little study on the part of the pupil and its lack of culture of the culture of the reading, among others. To if approaching identity of the professor becomes necessary to point out it in the interior of the classroom, coexisting the citizens of the learning and, in this context, it is perceived that this identity goes being firmed in the daily college student, collated with practical the curricular one. This movement of the professor in the academic space goes to allow that it if fits in one practical routine or that if becomes an innovator, making with that in each meeting with its pupils it is perceived inclusion of the world of the life, as considers Habermas (1987, P.
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Transformation School
Orienting values of the participativa action the participativa action, as practical social according to team spirit, depends on that it is carried through by means of the orientation for certain substantial values, as ethical, solidarity, fairness and commitment, amongst several co-related others, without which the participation in the context of the education loses its social and pedagogical character. (p.50) … Therefore, the skillful participativa action in education is guided by the solidary promotion of the participation for all of the pertaining to school community, in the construction of the school as dynamic and competent organization, taking decisions in set guided by the commitment with raised values, principles and educational objectives, respecting the excessively participant ones and accepting the personal diversity of positionings and characteristics. (P. 51) …
2.2. Objectives of the participation as social action Therefore, it fits to alert that the promotion of the participation must be guided and if it justifies in the measure where is come back toward the accomplishment of clear and determined educational objectives, related to the practical proper transformation of the pedagogical one of the school and its social structure, in way if to become more effective in the formation of its pupils and the promotion of improvement of its levels of learning. … Is standed out, in special, the following general objectives in the promotion of the participation: ) To promote the development of the human being as to be social (citizen) and the transformation of the school as social unit and the transformation of school b) To develop the comunitarismo and the spirit of collective in the school, characterized for specific the joint social responsibility, … As objective, they are distinguished: ) To guarantee meaning social to the pedagogical practical actions and, in the pertaining to school context. b) To raise the standards of quality of the pertaining to school organization and the results of its educational work.
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