The Aged In Society
. We can analyze the question of the old one as the question of the child, both need to be respected as complete, independent and worthy beings of if locating. The difference consists where the child you direct through the education, of the love and above all with the truth. The child also teaches, is enough to have humildade to observe it, to listen to it and to share its ideas, expectations, hopes, to hear its intuitions and to understand the playful way that it sees the world. Its discoveries since the first year of life, also become through the objects surround that it, source of manipulation for the recognition of the way where they are inserted. The child must be attended and to always have the right to express itself through speaks, cries of it, gestures and other manifestations. It fits to its responsible ones, the dialogue and not repressions that lead the physical violncias, moral or emotional. In the social context, the aged one also needs autonomy to expose itself, to walk and to participate actively of historical construction of the nation and to have its recognized experiences in the formation of a critical context, where the history of the humanity is repleta of remnants that are not incased for the respect absence to that they are not in the ideal age.
The two parcels that form the society; old children and, contribute actively for assertive decisions in the familiar seio and in the same lcus, they seem dissociadas and culturally distant and alone if they join when children and grandmothers if hug and meetings think about what one represents for another one. The function of the old one in the society is more than to be grandfather, grandmother, it represents an experienced, full being of light that can also hug all the creatures who search answers and force to continue. I do not intend to exaltar the old one, but to wake up it to hear its intuition, to evaluate its critical, to open the heart and to allow that the child who walks to its side, can also be part of its reflections, of its conjuncts and above all, to walk of given hands. The young that also is grandsons, needs to value its velhinhos and all the velhinhos of the terrestrial sphere, as well as its parents, at last are all a hierarchic scale who in this chain of values contribute for a better world, where the creature human being can have the vision of respect and love to the next one that it is the Divine principle.