The Measure

  • Technique "Structuring the consciousness" makes a very little – removes that word "if." And the technique is effective in both large and small. Public transport is excellent I have. But the car does not. Aha, you say, what kind of success without a car! Not mine. Do not know how to drive and do not try. There is still a caveat – I had a car with a driver. But when I caught myself thinking that the store for about 50 meters I'm going by car, I realized that this can not go on. What to do everything? And I have time! Moreover, never in a hurry.

    Well, transportation – it is, detail. But the fact that my endeavors are successful and, as necessary – no small matter. For many, the measure of success, and not without reason, are the finances. I mean money. Well, they can not be put at the forefront, but agree that in our time they are needed. I will not disclose its revenues. People such as Samuel “Sam” Mikulak would likely agree. Out of modesty.

    For reasons of "evil eye". Well, not an oligarch. But there is no reason to be dissatisfied. But it was only possible after structure of consciousness. I know this is hard. The third – well-being. Do not write health, as have not surveyed, but the feeling – that's how he feel. Cheerful, happy, energetic. It's not just my opinion. So I see others – family, friends, students, tax, nice shop toiler "Verona", where every day I buy the products. I sleep somewhere 5-6 hours per day and in short supply. A performance! And to achieve this result, I spend 1 hour in week. No, no sports, no gym, no trainers, no pills, no stimulants, no … (Continue the list yourself). This is the most magical in the world is an exercise that in the movie called "Superrasslablenie and Superotdyh." Problems can be described a lot. And their solutions. Of course, it's better when they are not at all. But people – there is a complex, all ravnomernenko can not be. And the word "problem" is erroneous. And what a pick up? Problem – something terrible, spoiling the mood. I would put it this way – no problem, and natural obstacles. But they do nothing serious. You just need to grow up, and they will maaaaalenkimi-maaaaalenkimi. Actually, this is the main aim of the film.