Month November
Geographical Importance
The importance of the education of geography for the man The man always will pass for evolutions and revolutions, in all its history this was proven of taxing form. Of this form, to resist the challenges of as much change, new forms had been necessary to learn and to apprehend, thus to teach, these had been elaborated reelaboradas and disponibilizadas throughout the time. All and any school, even though that one with excellency education, passes if to reorganize and if reinventa in this new reality, therefore it runs the risk of if becoming obsolete and exceeded if not to innovate. Some you discipline for much time had been considered to know useless, this was not different in disciplines of Geography. Footwear in the estimated one that education, in general way is essential to the essence of the man, thus also happens with the Geography, that without a doubt none and in particular way assists with effectiveness in the transformation of the man, leading it in the process of social construction.
The education of geography in elapsing of the years has assumed a role of praticidade so far not pressentida, and that it can be proven in the instant where we see knowing geographic impregnating all the areas of the knowledge, all the activities human beings who we play. To study Geography leads the pupil to a critical reading of the landscape constructed and transformed for the man and all the relations of decurrent it. To study Geography allows in them to understand that the transformations of the spaces are necessary and consequentes of the proper action of the man and, therefore, it must have an agreement of the necessity to study such disciplines, a time that Geography is social political and cultural and the man is in the truth, the essence of everything this.
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Tap Into The Universal Unity
I’m not looking for that happiness, only me is curious, as well as which is so natural to me and known perceive the unity of everything. Part of the story I have just mentioned, I don’t consciously remember another experience of totality, but at the moment I am thinking was like telling me: as if things are this way, life is so, it is normal for little before going to another classroom, equanimity was almost completely with me, was going and soon returned, however there was a peculiar fact that caught my attention much: I started to detect as a certain coldness or indifference in my for human suffering, could not explain me it, or differentiate it well to well, I wasn’t sure if it was part of equanimity or passing, this was happening, I think that equanimity was debugged until presented with love, softness and tenderness. Returning from the face-to-face, had other experience similar to the unit, to be honest I do not remember well as it was, what if I remember is that it was love, you call unconditional, which merged with equanimity, since then are inseparable: peace, fairness and love. With respect to the meditation. Into time that you came announcing me the need to take a very difficult life decision, it was a period of approximately three years, spiritual practices arose according to my experiences in this regard, given the imminent decision, arose a meditative practice that later, in the masters learned me was called Vipassana, was of great surprise for me, there is no doubt that this spiritual intelligence always presentI thought, that which is continuous performing to date and that helped me make that difficult decision, with deep spiritual sense. I have noticed in my, much peace, respect to others and their circumstances, already I cannot judge, I’m more compassionate, more patient, is very difficult to me to engage in discussions or emotional situations, meditation and yoga are vital in my life, something that has astonished me-which is nothing more that I appreciate is that therapies that I apply are very good and fast result, love this Conmigo practically of plant.
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Language Curiosities
Motu proprio How many times have we heard or used the word "motus own" or "motus own"? many right? The Dictionary of Doubts and problems of Spanish Manuel Rafael Arago tells us the following: for / of self vs motus. Motu proprio: This is a Latin adverb meaning literally "own motion" and is used with the value of "voluntarily, of their own free will." For example: I did motu proprio. Therefore, avoid a "motu proprio." This expression should not be preceded by any preposition. Hence the expression "de motus own" or "motus own" are incorrect and should be avoided to use the correct Spanish. gree. The rocket "Why should I study? Is the gooseneck! "No ladies and gentlemen, I am not mistaken. This expression is completely correct and accepted by the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy) … maybe I'm being a little sinning "vulgar." Let's see: The Rocket: Speech adverbial meaning "vain, in vain." The SAR is covered in the Supplement to his Dictionary (1970 edition) as belonging to Argentina and Uruguay, countries where it is considered vulgar.
It is also used as an adjective phrase, with the value of "useless." Meanwhile, the expression "Al Cueto" is a popular variation of the phrase "the rocket". Mogollon "I like that Mogollon" It's a very common expression in Spain which means, according to the Dictionary of the RAE "long, with abundant" The site says: "The origin of the phrase seems to be eating Mogollon, which means eating at the expense of another person or in a strange house, and without help. Formerly much used, together with other extensions such as enter Mogollon (uninvited), slip of Mogollon (no fee) or simply Mogollon that once meant something done quickly lightly. Deriving from the Latin word mulgeo (milk), could refer to the lamb, being without a mother, will feed other sheep's milk. But according to the Wikipedia online dictionary: "The Mogollon Culture is the name applied to one of the four main 'traditions' prehistoric archaeological southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. Native American culture known as the Mogollon lived in the Southwest (New Mexico and Texas) and northern Mexico (Chihuahua and Sonora) from approximately 700 BC C. until sometime between 1300 and 1400. "Bibliography: ARAG, Manuel Rafael. Dictionary of doubts and problems of Spanish, Buenos Aires: El Ateneo, 1995.
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