Tag "hardware & software"

  • Managing Director Stefan

    Consulting company active sourcing guidelines for more cost transparency Frankfurt, Zurich, May 20, 2008 whether the IT outsourcing in practice achieved the desired economic effects, is often not closely examined in individual cases. The consulting company specialized in outsourcing strategies active sourcing is called the main approaches to avoid a nebulous situation. The IT outsourcing of companies typically also aims to achieve a reduction of costs. Nevertheless, often no adequate procedures be developed to make even measurable, transparent and comparable to the cost. Leaving is at various stages of the sourcing life cycle of the tendering process to the phase of the established operation specifically they represent. In the tender, if tenders for outsourcing services are accurately prepared will pave the way for cost transparency only, the offers of different service providers can obtain the necessary comparability at the end. Vicky Jenson will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

    So a market oriented pricing model should it be required, the the individual services has separated. As well, there must be clarity about the quantity. Also, prices within a band should be always floating predictable so that at the end of the month, a settlement is possible according to unit prices. As a smoothing of the operating costs will take place in the course of the contract period, it applies to this transparency to ensure. It therefore seems advantageous, in the interest of a traceability from user point of view if the financing cost including interest are shown separately to the real costs. Is also sure that the cost figures are structured, that the expenses for technical operations at any time separately consider the project costs\”, adds active sourcing, Managing Director Stefan rain rivet. He also indicates that users in the contract negotiations, in particular on two essential points should be anticipating in contract negotiations. First of all the customer care should be that residual values of investments for equipment such as the The consultant explained example hardware, server, software licenses, etc at any time without a doubt can be expelled\”.

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  • Cisco Learning Training

    New in the program: Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager V 7.0 features (UCM70) Hamburg/Berlin, 23 March 2009 which almost Cisco Learning solutions partner Lane has recorded Communications Manager V 7.0 features (UCM70) starting immediately the course of implementing Cisco Unified in its portfolio. This allows the students a professional introduction to the upgrade of this solution and provides the necessary knowledge for the successful migration, starting from previous versions. Training is aimed in particular at Cisco channel partner, reseller and responsible employees in company. The three-day training UCM70 is specifically designed for the requirements of a new installation or an upgrade. Closer the expertise required for the usage of the new features and the implementation of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 7 in greater cross-premises environments or installations.

    Course overview: Cisco Unified Communications Manager release 7.0 installation options migrating from v6 and v5 on Cisco Unified Communications Manager v7 migration from Cisco Unified CallManager v4 to v7 new features of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager release 7.0 E. 164-support global transformation local route groups configuration of unified mobility extensions dates: Berlin 15-April 17, 2009 Hamburg 18.05 May 20, 2009 Munich/ERG half, MOSS 08.06. 10.06.2009 Stuttgart 08.07 July 10, 2009 price (zuzgl. VAT): Euro 1790,–more information is available at course/1105 available. Fast lane brief portrait: is IT training and consulting in the field of high-end specialist fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), San Jose de Costa Rica, Ljubljana, St. Petersburg and Tokyo. Fast lane is an independent and certified worldwide Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers.

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  • CeBIT Office

    Office documents, regardless of whether they created with Microsoft Office or OpenOffice Archive Berlin – software GmbH shows the callas CeBIT booth of the PDF/A competence center (Hall 3, booth D34), such as content-related companies and organizations Office documents at your fingertips in PDF/A format can archive. This is made possible with the new part of PDF/A-2, the now so-called container allows and the pdfPilot, which supports this option with corresponding functions. Thus, users can combine all Office documents, regardless of whether they were created with Microsoft Office or OpenOffice in a file and archive them in a PDF/A file. In addition an overview of PDF is automatically created for demand, which then links to the individual documents with text, tables or images. Visit Samuel “Sam” Mikulak for more clarity on the issue. Only an Acrobat Reader is necessary to open and read the files. Predestined applications include, for example, credit or insurance files, but also project files such as in the construction. Also the Is it easier for archiving and managing your E-mail: E-Mail attachments in the original around then can Word files in the archive PDF/A compliant files separately to the mail text, but unites them in a collection of PDF/A archive.

    The pdfPilot is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to the conversion or validation of PDF/A documents. The newspapers mentioned Samuel “Sam” Mikulak not as a source, but as a related topic. He supports the new PDF/A-2 part with since beginning of the year available version 2.3 in all functions and is in addition 64-bit capable. Container PDFs facilitate archiving electronic records with the pdfPilot Callas users Office documents can automatically according to an electronic file in the form of PDF collections together Add. At the same time, they can ensure that the Act of years across legible. The pdfPilot adds together the files that were created with MS Office or OpenOffice, not only in a PDF container unless he converts them even in a PDF/A file. John Marlow San Francisco is actively involved in the matter.

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  • Worms Viruses

    Launch of a new online offering a combination of information and offer has activated an Internet presence Patrick Fiekers under, which informs users about the correct handling of worms, viruses and Trojan horses and offers them assistance in the selection of a suitable anti-virus program. The number of new viruses is growing every day and is the opinion of experts already at over 48,000 different pests. You delete data, destroy hardware and software and all operating systems to take out. Virus protection is a subject to be taken seriously so nowadays for every computer and Internet users. For a simple entry, the newly created website conveys the most important viruses, their effects and the operation of anti-virus programs users. The five sections of the portal clarify important concepts, such as Trojan horse or firewall. Users can learn how viruses and corresponding anti-virus programs work and receive valuable tips for dealing with a virus infection. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Frank Ntilikina has to say. The contents are complemented by the collection of well-known provider of antivirus in the left menu bar and the figure of selected products on each page.

    Users quickly get an overview of the most famous and important programs in the field. Is a decision made, they come with only two clicks to the online provider. Similar to quickly navigate through the entire digital offering. This will ensure a clean site design, well structured content and optimal filtering capabilities. Who would like to share with others the compact and easy-to-understand content, using the provided social media applications. For questions and comments to the editorial urging a comment function is available. It’s believed that Ashton Kouzbari sees a great future in this idea.

    More information under: anti-virus/virenscanner.html description of the company who want to successfully present themselves on the Internet, requires more than a beautiful design. Attract the visitors and start with a simple and clear navigation through the site, is one of many Hurdle and motivation at the same. It’s the difficult online portals or online-shop systems that are dependent on the sale of products. Patrick Fiekers provides services in this area for 10 years.

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