Month November

  • The GAL Coast In Place

    ATTENTION: VIRUS GABRIELO ATTACKS PROFESSIONAL ABILITY Music Gabriela, Cravo and Canela ' ' I was born thus, I I grew thus I I am exactly thus I go to be always thus Gabriela, always gabriela I I am always equal The GAL Coast In the work environment, beyond the ability technique, the necessary professional to present other abilities, to be adept and to have specific knowledge on the played function, is only one part of the necessity demanded in the professional market. The person who says: ' ' I am thus same! ' '. Beyond demonstrating inflexibilidade he is a great accountant of I cause, nobody is born with 1,70m, more than paving 36 and with work wallet. The Gabrielo virus is a derivative of the family Gabriela, Cravo and Canela. Acomete people who repeat or if holds as if the life was invariant.

    Some of the symptoms: they do not like to hear critical; they sing with frequency ' ' I was born &#039 thus; ' or they say ' ' I am thus same I am my skill I do not go to only move to please the others ' ' ; capacity limited of if placing in the place of the other; inflexibilidade and difficulty with changes. In greater or minor degree we have autopreservao direction and the changes scare, generate discomfort. After all, to leave the known one for the stranger generates a queerness sensation. The human being already is born crying, bebezinho when moving of environment emits its first one and thundering I cry. What it happened? It moved of a protected place, for a different place and that they demand different behaviors, as the contact with air, noise, luminosity and tactile sensation.

    Probably filminho in its head passed one, remembering of that you know. But before imagining a fellow worker or a next person, it thinks about you. How it walks its ability of change, acceptance of critical, capacity of if placing in the place of the other? Before looking the Gabrielo virus in the others, we go to search it of we ourselves inside. First it is necessary to diagnosis if it is active or inactive inside of our system. Perhaps the greater badly of this virus is the self-diagnosis difficulty, therefore that one that is acometido by it, does not recognize its existence and its symptoms. In the presence of the presented symptoms, we indicate the following remedies for who coexists the carrier of the Gabrielo virus: affection, understanding, good will, honesty and mainly much dialogue. For who it has the Gabrielo virus: reflection, reevaluation of the attitude I obtain exactly and with the others, availability to hear and will to move.

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  • The Learning Process

    To the current challenges that the Education in our country comes passing, referring to the curricular flexibilizao, to the forms of evaluation, the questions of evasion and repetncia, to the inadequate management of public resources, they must be added to the difficulties of the formative processes of professors. This set of difficulties compromises the development of the basic abilities for the alfabetizao, bringing, as consequence, a pertaining to school performance below of the desirable one, beyond contributing for the increase of the indices of evasion and repetncia. New social demands imply the necessity of that the school assumes new pedagogical functions and differentiated papers front to the ethnic diversity, cultural and social; the society defines and yearns for a new pertaining to school space, where the alternative pertaining to school sprouting and development practical are capable to perfect the teach-learning processes. The learning difficulties costumam to be a refugee at the beginning of the escolarizao or during all the pertaining to school period. The constatao of a riot of learning in classroom demand a pedagogical work adjusted of the professor and orientaes to the family of the pupil. To identify the responsible problems for the learning difficulties, the professor must be capable to perceive the existence of intrinsic and extrinsical conditions, as an affectionate relation in the relation professor/pupil, conditions of life of this pupil and the distanciamento of the school of its reality. The overcoming of these difficulties would be the necessary condition so that the teach-learning process made possible the construction, in this pupil, of positive a personal image; generating a feeling of interest for the pertaining to school environment.

    For some scholars of the subject the dislexia term was created to assign difficulty to read, in general the dislxicos is left-handed people, more frequently of the masculine sex. Subtypes of dislexia, known still exist as disgrafia – difficulty of the space organization and the aim at-motor organization; discalculia – learning difficulty, in the varied levels of basic the mathematical operations. Still it predominates in the schools and university, models that reproduce pupils who act mechanically, only for note, but little or nothing they contribute for its learning. We are fruits of a system that if strengthens exhaustingly to produce citizens no-pensantes. This is possible the measure that we accept as being unquestionable the concepts and ideas of some few people (that in majority of the times is the service of a totalitarian and desumano system); each time less, the pupil if allows to create. The society is repleta of theories and everything what it needs is of more reproductive of necessary exceeded theories and nothing; we need men who think for itself and with its thoughts he transforms space to its redor. In this direction, we are very important to point the necessity of all to review the formation that we are having and to reelaborarmos the estimated theoreticians-metodologicos who guide in them, end of in the ones of the best subsidy facing the reality that in are presented daily; we need to finish with this United States model to see the citizen pathologically and to start to see it as consequence of our failures ways to lead this individual. To change the world, we need to change we ourselves.

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Thus, the example of Belvedere III reveals relevance to it of the management of the geographic space for the hidrogrfica basin as unit of management as well as the effective application of the legal instruments of preservacionista character of the natural goods and the quality of life of the population in favor of the support. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES AMORIM, Flvia Pear tree. Belvedere III: A study of case on the influence of the real estate market in the production of the urban landscape and space. 2007. Dissertao (Mestrado in Architecture)? Program of After Graduation in Architecture of the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, 2007. BELO HORIZONTE.

    Managing plan of Belo Horizonte. Law of use and occupation of the ground: basic studies, 1995. Available in Access in 28 jun 2010. _____. Law of n 7166/96. Managing plan of Belo Horizonte.

    Law of Use and Occupation of the Ground of 1996. It establishes norms and conditions for parcelamento, occupation and use of the ground urban in the city. Available in: Access in 28 mai 2010. ______. Law of n 8.137/00. Law of Use and Occupation of the Ground of 2000. N 7,165 and 7,166, both of 27 of August of 1996, and the other steps modifies the laws. Available in: Access in 28 mai 2010. ______. Municipal law n 3,802/84, of 06 of July of 1984. It organizes the protection of the cultural patrimony of the City of Belo Horizonte. Published in the Minas Gerais of 14/06/1984 and rectified in 14/06/1985. Available in: Access in 28 mai 2010. ______. Law n 4,253/85, of 4 of December of 1985. It makes use on politics of protection of the control and the conservation of the environment and the improvement of the quality of life in the City of Belo Horizonte. Published in the Minas Gerais of 06/12/1985 and rectified in 15/02/1986.

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  • Content Work Texts

    The reasons why it is necessary to include quality content somewhere, anywhere, to tell the truth, are extremely powerful. Content will give food to the search engines bots, to achieve the best possible indexing, and content also will make its visitors to find reasons to return to your page. Also, through relevant and valuable texts might add value to their products and services. But, fundamentally, the texts of quality positioned him as an authority in your niche. An authority does not mean that their customers close their eyes and displayed as the tree of wisdom, but as a reliable source, a resource when there are doubts about the use and benefits of their products. In short, if a question arises to your users you’ll want to make your site the first choice where to go for answers. Listen to its visitors or users.

    It is the only way that its content meets their needs. And that’s what you want to do. Until companies more the world’s largest they have in mind what they say their consumers, and devote part of its resources to the satisfaction of the clientegran. The true feedback is which will give you the material, not only to build its content, but to mark the strategic course that your company should follow. Is correct, from both the content and the form.

    If your content is bright, but is not properly presented, it will go unnoticed. It is necessary to then resort to the concepts of usability, and the precepts that we presented in other postings about the correct format of the web content. They are the little details that matter: the font, color, and general layout. But it is also important that your content is informed, and has a scientific base. Feel free to include additional references or sources for its visitors to have more information. Remember that if your proposal is of quality, refer users to third-party sites that verify what you say them, added intellectual authority to its concepts. Keep a regularity. Avoid turning up 10 articles together, and then for a long time not resubmit new content. If you are using a manager like WordPress, it allows you to advertise posts for future dates, i.e., you can upload them all together, but will appear when you enter it. Of time to its users that they appreciate what you write, and so they maceren their concepts. Spread your content properly. If only upload them to your blog with the hope that derive you some visits constitutional traffic that already owns, it will be wasting precious opportunities to get new and qualified visitors.How viralize your articles already has been presented in other notes. Its content is part of your company’s assets. Of them the value they deserve. Remember that it is based on their texts as you show up to the world, and their texts are the material that search engines index. Spend a little time to its excellence only may result in benefits for your site and for their brands.

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  • Achieves Your Goals

    Maybe mid-year you left make, lost the enthusiasm and you filled buts. Just think and say what they want to accomplish in your life, not enough. You have to ask yourself very well your goals, knowing where these stopped and where you want to reach. This is a very good start to achieving your goals. If you would like to achieve your goals? 1 You have to be clear and defined: If you want a House, specifies how big you want, how many bedrooms, with Park, with or without pool.Details surface as you want 2 – Add a term to your goals: 2 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. 3. Between the goal and the term there has to be consistency.

    Do not put as goal I want to be a millionaire in 2 months because something inside yourself you will say that is not true and instead of achieving your goal, right iras to failure. 4 Make a list of all the resources that you have to achieve your goals, whether they be physical, emotional or economic. 5. When you have your planned goals, evaluated one at a time and analyses which are so important for you and ordenalas from the more easy to achieve up to the more complex. Action to achieve your goals! This very well to plan, write, and read every day your goals but also to take action as? Strategize, execute a certain action.

    Parses as you take it out, taking into account the estimated time that you proposed to raise your goals never stop being yourself /, don’t miss your essence always but always concentrate on what you really want (so think millionaires) trafficking in achieving your goals of a one. One well-made thing that several is better half. It constantly analyzes your estrategis to know if you’re on the right path. I suggest that you start with this method. Never too late to achieve your goals original author and source of the article

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  • British Columbia

    Boa Lingua extended work & study offer BOA Lingua expands offering for language courses abroad in combination with work, internships, opportunities or a gap year. Exclusive programs on Canadian horse farms are the highlight. Work & study links by BOA Lingua activities and language learning abroad. The farmstay offers the opportunity to attend a language course in one of the two cities and then to complete a stay on a farm or Ranch in the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia program in Victoria and Calgary. Boa Lingua has guaranteed places on this Canadian ranches.

    On a horse, discover the Canadian wilderness stands for green forests, campfire, wide steppe and mirror-like Lakes the land. Who would like to explore this fascinating area on the back of a horse, and at the same time wants to improve his English, is right at the farmstay program. Riding skills are prerequisite for the work on a ranch, because it helps as a budding cowboy or Cowgirl in livestock farming or works with at a riding stable. Boa Lingua offers also courses on wine, fruit and vegetable farms, where no riding experience will be provided as an alternative. After a 6-week language course in Victoria or Calgary starts the stay on the ranch, which lasts between 2 and 24 weeks. During this time, one lives with the rancher family and learns firsthand the farm life and the culture. Between April and October is the perfect time for a Ranchstay.

    Volunteering or working abroad in addition to the work on a horse farm offers also the possibility to work in social or ecological projects work & study in the area of the internships. These are located in particular in Latin America or South Africa. Who prefer experiences in the international profession would like to collect, can connect the course work or an internship. Boa Lingua partner schools have a good network to resident companies of different industries locally. For example, London, Manchester, San Francisco, San Diego and Calgary are new in the offer. Long time language stays from 16 weeks (now also in London and New York), a language year (2 languages to 2 destinations) and Demi-pair programs (in Australia, Ireland, and Spain) complete the work & study offer. With the work & study program can you dive deep in the culture, is in close contact with the local population, can apply the foreign language daily and achieved great progress.

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