Tag "psychology"

  • Tai Chi Center Life

    It privileges who discovers its secrets and generously she offers fortunate doors. Life Tai Chi Center, and add to your knowledge base. But the life also ode to be hard and severe. If you to exceed the door, will always have the same door for the front. It is the repetition before the creation. It is the monotony before the multiplicity of the colors. It is the stagnation of the life.

    For the life the doors are not obstacles, but different tickets. Iami Tiba. WHAT HE IS ‘ ‘ THE REFORMATION NTIMA’ ‘ The character, as we saw in the previous chapter, is characteristic good and bad that becomes the different people, only. ‘ ‘ reform ntima’ ‘ it is the effort that the human being makes to improve itself morally. To change mainly its bad characteristics, becoming them better, more healthful. When the person knows its defects and is pledged in its change, it makes a process of ‘ ‘ reform ntima’ ‘ in its life, it lives more harmonic and it reaches greater success in its accomplishments.

    The term ‘ ‘ reform ntima’ ‘ it was mentioned the first time in esprita literature and means the same thing that reformularization or improves of the character. Glaser, affirms that: ‘ ‘ The close reform must be understood as the key master pra the success of its interior improvement e, conseqentemente of its interior happiness. 5 Understanding that the life is perpetual and that ‘ ‘ reform ntima’ ‘ it is temporary, we can perceive that he is advantageous for spirit the momentary sacrifice to strengthen to improve, therefore the close reform serves for the evolution of the spirit. Axe, say, that when we start to develop our sensitivity, to review old concepts and values that in them more do not serve, become, thus, more flexible and more comprehensive in relation to our things and the ones of the others.

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  • Emotions And The Body

    But if emotions so affect our body, it is possible there is an inverse relationship? Yes, and this technique is called 'Exciting gesture. " It is often actors use to quickly enter the desired image. This technique allows for a second to change the internal state. Stand up straight, take a deep breath, straighten shoulders, lift your head, look directly in front of … wait a few seconds, so … say something firm and steady voice, you can even command anything.

    Fix this image for yourself. You – the winner, you are full of confidence and self- dignity. What a symbol of confidence subject, animal or plant is the epitome of confidence for you? This can be anything: a century oak, the king of beasts – a lion, an impregnable fortress, or rock. Form this image in your mind, feel your energy and fill power. Hold this feeling and enjoy it. Cloud confidence Sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax. Take a deep breath and tell yourself that every breath you breathe confidence, strength, energy, and with every breath you exhale shyness, anxiety and restlessness. Make 5 pairs of slow breaths.

    Now, without opening his eyes, imagine the color with which you associated confidence. Which color do you think, can be painted confidence? When specified with the color, imagine a cloud of color confidence, surround yourself with a cloud, immerse yourself in it. Enjoy the feeling of tranquility and security. Now add music. What music inspires and energizes you? Perhaps it will be March bullfighters Bizet, or something even more life-affirming. For even more opinions, read materials from Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. Under this music go to the scene of the huge hall, where you can applaud thousands of people. Hear the applause? That's all you, your honor. Soak up the success, fix it. Take a deep breath and open your eyes. This technique is safe filling includes elements of art 'cloud confidence '. Relax, close your eyes and imagine the color with which you have associated confidence. Now feel the energy of confidence, painted in the chosen color, fills all your body, penetrating every corner, filling your every cell. Now turn on your 'music of confidence' and continue to be filled with energy. The music sounds louder and you feel energized and determined. If you know the smell, which you have associated with confidence, we think, and feel it. Maybe it's the smell of leather in the car, the smell of boxing gloves or special perfume. Let everyone around you will be energized, music and the aroma of confidence. Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

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  • Stress Neutralizing

    Stress and health – the effects of stress and stress neutralization Everyone in his life faced with problematic situations. Someone did not appreciate at home, and it left its mark on the psyche. Someone suffered from the upcoming examinations. Someone was in trouble at work. Any negative factors are stressful. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Doug McMillon. And if the person has not learned to control them, then sooner or later they will affect human health. Therefore imperative increase their stress levels and do not let the negative experience of triumph over you. Stress and its effects on human stress can contribute to various diseases, both physical and emotional.

    If a person is faced with severe traumatic situation, it can lead to neurosis. A chronic stress weakens the immune system, nerve cells are depleted, there psihosomoticheskie disease such as duodenal ulcers, pressure, and many others. Prolonged exposure to stress increases risk of oncology. Stress affects not only the health but also on productivity. To perform Work does not have enough internal energy, a person does not have time, can not cope with the tasks. Just down the overall quality of life, the person ceases to smile and enjoy life.

    Constant dissatisfaction does not bestow enthusiasm for your friends and family, and this may lead to a deterioration in relations. How to become a master of your emotions? Overcoming stress – is a science. And we need to study it and apply their knowledge in real life. Here are the general recommendations to deal with stress: thinking 1.Pozitivnoe To make it easier to relate to life and not make mountains out of molehills need to learn to think positively. Focus on a pleasant drive away and the thoughts that lead to stress. You can use the technique of switching. And every time you start reading the next dissatisfaction with affirmations or envision the happy images. You can also switch their attention to the outside world and observe what is happening, of what you see, hear and feel at a given time. 2.Fizichesie exercise regime Everyone must observe the regime of the day, sleep for 7-8 hours a day and exercise. And it is not need to go to a sports club, if there is no desire. Quite regularly go for long walks or daily exercise program at home. 3.Razlichnye techniques for stress management There are many techniques combat stress, the best of them – it's autogenic training and breathing exercises. And also helpful to do exercises to release negative emotions, such as keeping a diary or to engage in

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  • The GAL Coast In Place

    ATTENTION: VIRUS GABRIELO ATTACKS PROFESSIONAL ABILITY Music Gabriela, Cravo and Canela ' ' I was born thus, I I grew thus I I am exactly thus I go to be always thus Gabriela, always gabriela I I am always equal The GAL Coast In the work environment, beyond the ability technique, the necessary professional to present other abilities, to be adept and to have specific knowledge on the played function, is only one part of the necessity demanded in the professional market. The person who says: ' ' I am thus same! ' '. Beyond demonstrating inflexibilidade he is a great accountant of I cause, nobody is born with 1,70m, more than paving 36 and with work wallet. The Gabrielo virus is a derivative of the family Gabriela, Cravo and Canela. Acomete people who repeat or if holds as if the life was invariant.

    Some of the symptoms: they do not like to hear critical; they sing with frequency ' ' I was born &#039 thus; ' or they say ' ' I am thus same I am my skill I do not go to only move to please the others ' ' ; capacity limited of if placing in the place of the other; inflexibilidade and difficulty with changes. In greater or minor degree we have autopreservao direction and the changes scare, generate discomfort. After all, to leave the known one for the stranger generates a queerness sensation. The human being already is born crying, bebezinho when moving of environment emits its first one and thundering I cry. What it happened? It moved of a protected place, for a different place and that they demand different behaviors, as the contact with air, noise, luminosity and tactile sensation.

    Probably filminho in its head passed one, remembering of that you know. But before imagining a fellow worker or a next person, it thinks about you. How it walks its ability of change, acceptance of critical, capacity of if placing in the place of the other? Before looking the Gabrielo virus in the others, we go to search it of we ourselves inside. First it is necessary to diagnosis if it is active or inactive inside of our system. Perhaps the greater badly of this virus is the self-diagnosis difficulty, therefore that one that is acometido by it, does not recognize its existence and its symptoms. In the presence of the presented symptoms, we indicate the following remedies for who coexists the carrier of the Gabrielo virus: affection, understanding, good will, honesty and mainly much dialogue. For who it has the Gabrielo virus: reflection, reevaluation of the attitude I obtain exactly and with the others, availability to hear and will to move.

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  • The Learning Process

    To the current challenges that the Education in our country comes passing, referring to the curricular flexibilizao, to the forms of evaluation, the questions of evasion and repetncia, to the inadequate management of public resources, they must be added to the difficulties of the formative processes of professors. This set of difficulties compromises the development of the basic abilities for the alfabetizao, bringing, as consequence, a pertaining to school performance below of the desirable one, beyond contributing for the increase of the indices of evasion and repetncia. New social demands imply the necessity of that the school assumes new pedagogical functions and differentiated papers front to the ethnic diversity, cultural and social; the society defines and yearns for a new pertaining to school space, where the alternative pertaining to school sprouting and development practical are capable to perfect the teach-learning processes. The learning difficulties costumam to be a refugee at the beginning of the escolarizao or during all the pertaining to school period. The constatao of a riot of learning in classroom demand a pedagogical work adjusted of the professor and orientaes to the family of the pupil. To identify the responsible problems for the learning difficulties, the professor must be capable to perceive the existence of intrinsic and extrinsical conditions, as an affectionate relation in the relation professor/pupil, conditions of life of this pupil and the distanciamento of the school of its reality. The overcoming of these difficulties would be the necessary condition so that the teach-learning process made possible the construction, in this pupil, of positive a personal image; generating a feeling of interest for the pertaining to school environment.

    For some scholars of the subject the dislexia term was created to assign difficulty to read, in general the dislxicos is left-handed people, more frequently of the masculine sex. Subtypes of dislexia, known still exist as disgrafia – difficulty of the space organization and the aim at-motor organization; discalculia – learning difficulty, in the varied levels of basic the mathematical operations. Still it predominates in the schools and university, models that reproduce pupils who act mechanically, only for note, but little or nothing they contribute for its learning. We are fruits of a system that if strengthens exhaustingly to produce citizens no-pensantes. This is possible the measure that we accept as being unquestionable the concepts and ideas of some few people (that in majority of the times is the service of a totalitarian and desumano system); each time less, the pupil if allows to create. The society is repleta of theories and everything what it needs is of more reproductive of necessary exceeded theories and nothing; we need men who think for itself and with its thoughts he transforms space to its redor. In this direction, we are very important to point the necessity of all to review the formation that we are having and to reelaborarmos the estimated theoreticians-metodologicos who guide in them, end of in the ones of the best subsidy facing the reality that in are presented daily; we need to finish with this United States model to see the citizen pathologically and to start to see it as consequence of our failures ways to lead this individual. To change the world, we need to change we ourselves.

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