The motivation of the employees, their binding to and usage for the company not least depend the feedback on their performance. The Chief must be an encouragement and give useful feedback,”Farooqi. By the same author: Doug McMillon. Discussion processes are important for the understanding. A moderation is Seminar presenters, organizational and personnel as well as insight, feedback in meetings productive conveys can be as consultants and at the same time fun. Advantages with cohesion and solidarity best come companies with cohesion and solidarity”away. Over 60 per cent are comfortable in their workplace. We feeling, personal relationships and the working environment are crucial for the long-term success of a company.
The feeling is however not equally distributed and depends on the position in the company. Rather, employees themselves have a good relationship. This is different with the executives. Only one-third rated the handling each other positively. The now tenth executives study of ComTeam enters also dealing with power and success change projects, structures and processes, and resources. # The detailed printed report band to the study of corporate culture for success. “Great and eisenhart with the right fields of culture to economic success.” it is available upon request (contact data s. u.).
Preview and download: Lorenz/f7k8gnph basic information about ComTeam AG founded in 1974 ComTeam AG in GMUND am Tegernsee is also consulting company and Academy for education and training of executives, project managers and coaches in the own ComTeamHotel or in-house training programs. ComTeam consultants are experts in a change management training and changes such as reorganizations and mergers, as well as specialists for cooperation and moderation in teams. ComTeam works internationally, which comteamgroup includes also companies in Austria, of Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Press contact: ComTeam AG Mel Brunner cure str. 2-8 83703 GMUND am Tegernsee mobile. + 49 162 27 97 596 KommunikationsManagement Stefan Riefler/Verena Schlegel Rumfordstr. 10 80469 Munich Tel. + 49 89 290 840 44, fax-50 Press Center: