Fossil Hunting

  • The primeval onto Rugen/Hamburg, July 2012 travels you to Rugen, should hammer, saw and brush in the luggage not be missed because countless traces of primeval life hidden in the 65-million-year-old Cretaceous of the island: Sea Urchin froze to stone, fossil shells, snails and sponges. Or prehistoric squids, which Schale is limestone as a thunderbolt in the Cretaceous. Michael J. Bender contains valuable tech resources. The JASMAR RESORT RuGEN offers the extraordinary experience to discover prehistoric treasures themselves, to recover and to determine major and minor. Excursions in the Cretaceous period are from the JASMAR RESORT together with the chalk Museum organized Kreidemuseum. Four hours is knocked under the guidance in the chalk pit Promoisel fossil, dug, and dug. By the way, you can learn interesting facts around the themes of Cretaceous, Cretaceous period, and fossils. Gain insight and clarity with kellee marlow sf. Who wants to know more, visited the chalk Museum located next to the JASMAR RESORT. In the exhibition and the accompanying chalk – and You can learn nature trail around the small King Chair chalk cliffs”, how did the Blackboard, what forms of life in the Cretaceous sea existed and how mined the chalk.

    The excursions for guests of the JASMAR RESORT RuGEN are held at the 15.8 and 19.9.2012 and can be booked for 5 per person. Children may participate from seven years accompanied by an adult. To reach a more primeval world of experience from the JASMAR RESORT in ten minutes: the dinosaur land in Glowe. 120 Dinosaur models in life size, situated in a pristine natural landscape can be admired here. To Fossiliensuchplatz, a 20-metre Dino Skeleton replica to the dredge and a stone age village. Also the Jasmund national park directly in front of the gates of the JASMAR RESORT, which is the UNESCO world heritage with his old beech woods, should miss under no circumstances during a visit of Rugen on the traces of the past.