Japanese Can – Various Bad Experiences In Japan

  • The relaxation in the can Japanese culture is quite different as German culture. Many travelers experience the Japanese culture, especially public baths. Most Japanese visit regularly public baths. They serve for Japanese as a resort for the holiday or after a strenuous working day. You are not only to natural sources, or in bad Hall in cities, but also in many hotels. Many guests have to bathe every day with other people together. The price for an Onsenbesuch is however not expensive.

    In most bathrooms, you can stay hours for a few euros. Tatos on body who must ask better, because guests with Tatos unfortunately little of bath visit are allowed. At the entrance, you get a bathing suit called the yukata. Yukata is a kind of kimono, which must be before the attainment of the source. When tightening you must make sure to put the left side over the right. The belt of yukata is a type of cord.

    You will find a basket, what their own clothes during the whole Time will be set. At the entrance, you get a small cloth. The cloth used later in the laundry room, in which you repeatedly washes. There is no shower or bath tub. It draws the water from the bucket or container and pours on himself. Then you wash the cloth. The water is very hot. Japanese find washing with hot water is healthy. You must make washing before one is allowed to enter the bathroom. Here, one must beware that the SOAP is completely washed away. You can be naked in the can. Some bands has a roof or located in the room. The water flisst in a corner bath. It is recommended to be used Onsen naked. Previously swimming men and women together in the Onsenwasser. Today, it is rare but, most bathrooms are separated by gender. An exception is the Familienonsen. Parents and children can bathe together. Peace is always kept in Onsen, because the people here want to bathe and relax. Also at other resorts in Japan, you should do so. The water temperature is always so hot. Foreign travelers should before the temperature check and go slowly into the water. Japane actually stay for hours in the water. If one is too hot, he goes out to cool and to return again. It’s almost like sauna of from Sweden.