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  • Lycee International

    In this article we describe what must be done and what documents to provide to enroll in one of the French universities. It is a way for those who received secondary education in his homeland. But there is a second, in addition, more win-win way. It's getting a French national diploma of secondary education Baccalaureat (EAC) in a French high school. In France, foreign students are taking not only the private secondary schools, but some schools, members of the public education system. Consider a few more private schools, as well as tell you about the program.

    One of the most famous French private schools is the school Ecole des Roches, which takes on training students 11-19 years of age. If you look at the percentages, more than 80% of the students? French, which further contributes to vyuchivaniyu this foreign language. In addition, training at this school is over original technique, which ensures that the student becomes bilingual in one year. After successful completion of this school diploma YOU, guaranteed entry into French universities. Teachers at this school the following six principles: the active involvement of students in the teaching process (teachers working with students, and not for them), the development of creative abilities of each (in the school are such subjects as photography, choreography, drama lessons, etc.), physical education (at school to choose from there are 28 different sports clubs), education of self-discipline and self-control, creating a family atmosphere, introduction to the knowledge of world civilization. If we talk about foreign students, training in French consists of three levels: basic (twenty-five hours a week learning French), medium (eighteen hours a week learning French language and partial infusion in the classroom), advanced (six hours of French language and the complete infusion of classes in school). As we see in this school, before a foreign student to pour into a regular French class, its meticulously prepared for it.

    The school can further explore how foreign languages: English, German and Spanish. In addition to receiving a diploma you in school Ecole des Roches prepare for exams in French – DELF. Furthermore Ecole des Roches, a diploma you can be in private school Ecole de et Lycee International de Touraine, in which students take 12-18 years. However, for admission to this school must have good knowledge of French. The third private school Tersac, giving YOU the diploma, is located in the southwest France. The training program at the school meets state. For the foreign students arranged extra lessons in French. There are also so-called program, which enables year engage in a French public school. This program does not provide a diploma you, but it can help to get acquainted with the French educational system, to learn French to a level that allows pass the examination TSF-U and enter into a French university. How to get into the program? You must submit a description of your school, certificate of achievement and your health condition, to pass a language test, and also often asked to write a letter. And then there is still a written and oral testing.

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  • Guerra Hernandez

    One of the most important things you can teach your child is the value of respect, and the best way to learn it is to lead by example. When a child feels respected, you will begin to understand how important that is. You do unto others as you would like to be treated you. Respect is an attitude. Be respectful helps the child to succeed in life.

    If the children do not respect their peers, authority figures, or even themselves, it is almost impossible for them to succeed. A respectful child is careful with your belongings and responsibilities, and manages to get along with their peers. Schools teach children the value of respect, but the parents are those who have the greatest influence on children when it is that you learn to be respectful. In fact, until the children show respect at home, not usually begin to show respect in other sites, such as school or the Park. Preaching by example.

    If you do something wrong, admit it and apologize. Don’t try to embarrass, insult or mock you for your son. Praise and allows you to take decisions and assume responsibility for himself. Always listen to the version of the story of your son before taking a decision on an issue or a problem. Be courteous and uses please and thank you when you ask him to do something. Hit the door gently before entering your son’s room. It keeps the promises. Show your child than what you say, you say it’s heart. And provide you with all your attention. And most importantly, teach your child that earns respect. Make sure that you are giving an example of respectful behavior. It shows concern for the environment, animals and other people. Openly express your opinion about the disrespectful behaviors. Teach your child to respect himself. Respect yourself is one of the most important forms of respect. Once we respect ourselves, it is easier to respect others. Help your child set and achieve objective goals. Encourage them to fight for them honestly and teach them that all people make mistakes, and that they are required to learn and become a better person. Don’t forget the most important thing: commends your child often for good deeds or appropriate behaviours that carry out, and let her know that you want it, at least several times a day. Often parents ask me to make them guidelines for your child’s defiant behavior and once they begin to work with the therapy they realize that they are the first who do not act in an environmentally responsible manner. If you have problems so that your child respects you, you follow these guidelines and will help you get to educate a child capable of being respectful and worthy of respect. Jenny Guerra Hernandez, the creative educational psychologist..

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  • Iranian Substances

    Everything that we eat, breathe, or feel, is influencing our health. Also what we drink, and in particular the quantity and quality of the water we drink. Water, as we have seen in previous posts, is vital to the body. They are involved in the disposal of waste, in tissue repair, digestion, in the thermoregulation, etc.Therefore, the water quality can determine our health. According to many experts, or water flowing from the tap or the bottled is water quality.

    The processes by which passes the water to be potable, generate Undeletable harmful to health, such as chlorine. The chlorine destroys vitamin E, alter the intestinal flora and can irritate the stomach. We already know the effects that has chlorine in the eyes, after swim in any pool. As it just passes on the inside of our body.The reality the water that we drink today is energy-dead, dysfunctional and highly contaminated. It has nothing to do with water fountains and springs that our great grandfathers drank. The current water is mainly polluted by petroleum products.

    The famous acid rain penetrates into impermeable layers of the Earth and pollute underground aquifers. Legally, it is considered drinking water if it meets some minimum requirements. Allowable impurities are regulated by Royal Decree 120/2003 of 7 February, whereby health criteria of quality of water for human consumption. Show the quantities of minerals, ph, conductivity and hardness. Also regulates the maximum amount of toxic substances. That is, that our drinking water has elements such as arsenic, cyanide, chromium and nickel.Therefore, we have a dead, unstructured and water, sometimes contaminated by the products themselves and mechanisms that are used for debugging. Not surprisingly, they are allocated to this water some pathologies that have become chronic. Water, as all object, has its own vibratory pattern. Water, it absorbs resonance, the frequencies of the materials with which it has contact. That is, that water has, to put it another way, memory. And remember the substances with which it has been. And these frequencies of different substances, sometimes manage to break its natural structure becoming a dead and physically dysfunctional, liquid that also conveys the unfavorable frequencies of harmful substances that have been in contact. The scientist Peter Gross, says that 98% of Western households have water hygienically acceptable but dead in energetic sense by the internal pressure of the pipes and numerous treatments to which it is subject living water, processes that break down and dismantled the ordinands structures that carry the therapeutic and vital information of pure water. An alteration of the molecular structure may cause numerous organ malfunctions, since dead water which we drink does not comply well with functions that develops the living water in our body.In this same line of Iranian origin FBatmanghelid, author of the book doctor manifests: its body claims the water crying voices, the aue explains how chronic dehydration current of our body is the cause of many diseases.

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  • Vladimir Kuzmin

    My task is to show the injustice PROzRT in relation to the proposed principle of distribution here. PROzRT is valid only when everything else being ignored and taken into account only the work itself or only its result. And indeed, if we take only the result, it is fair to pay more to the highest did. And the pay is so much more, how much more he made another. To sustain the principle directly proportional to the rewards of labor. But if we take into account the ability of the employee, as required, and Soviet and communist principles of distribution, the validity of PROzRT begins to cause very serious doubts.

    To illustrate this let us take a simple example. Suppose that two employees at the same time, and in some the same conditions performed the same work and got the same results. From the standpoint of Soviet justice, these people deserve the same moral judgments, and equal remuneration for their work. And this is, alas, top social justice! As can be clearly seen from the views of Vladimir Kuzmin. But if we now take into account the ability of these workers, justice ceases to be such PROzRT flawless. In fact, if the first The employee is, for example, is very gifted in the art work man, and the second has only the minimum necessary set of skills, it turns out that to obtain the same result, they spend different labor efforts, make a different work. More capable employee gets the same result playing, working, totally or in quarter-strength, and less able to work with full effort.

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  • Like Starting The Engine Of The Education By Competitions

    The development of competitions for the daily life in the pupils demands the collaboration of educative Institutions, educational parents and. The basic postulate of the ecological model that proposes Bronfenbrenner affirms that the human development, supposes the progressive mutual accomodation between an active human being, that is in development process, on the one hand, and on the other the changing properties of the immediate surroundings in which that developing person lives. In the society of the knowledge, the changes follow one another of continuous form and at a high speed reason why the old model of learning based on the obtaining of a degree that it qualified to the individual for the performance of a profession is obsolete, taking step to a system of permanent learning that endows the pupils with skills that at any time allow to their active participation in the society and the access to a use of their lives. What is understood by competitions In the educative scope, is understood by competition " cognitive, psychological, sensorial set of social, affective behaviors and abilities and motorboats that allow to carry out one suitably profesin". The main target of the learning by competitions is to obtain that the student learns of integral way so that: 1. It recognizes the value of the learnings that constructs. 2. It recognizes the processes through which such construction has been realised (metacognicin).

    3. One is clear like the person who has constructed each one of the learnings. Of this form the development of significant and lasting learnings in the pupils who can at any time be used by this one of their life of student, labor or social is obtained. The attitude of the educational ones before the basic competitions According to Stenhouse, " For a professor, the adoption of a new curriculum is as difficult as to make a diet rigurosa".

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  • Studying Physics

    This text aims to make a first approach to the question "Why should I study Physics? that many students do. It is a personal reflection as a narrated long our ancestors were frightened and amazed by the natural phenomena occurring. These mood changes produced by these phenomena led these men to seek explanations for what happened and try to control nature and that the effects produced were sometimes catastrophic. The first explanation of what happened were surrounded by a religious environment, every phenomenon has become uncontrollable and incomprehensible a God to worship only the constant and systematic slaughter of its periodic could soothe fury. This form of control has been improved to be managed by men to deal with other men. The gods were taking more and more human forms, vengeful, punitive and segregative where only a select few understood the strength of their arguments and only through him could, with some luck, avoid the terrible effects of drift with the freedom of thought.

    The senses were controlled by the gods, had given to us they should, therefore everything that was perceived by them was the work of them and there was no wrong choice, the world was what the senses perceive, was the work the creator and there was no room to doubt it. What could not be explained by understanding those with a direct link to the architect of this supreme work. But the man was endowed with thought and this was beyond the senses, imagined, dreamed, analyze, relate, he found new clues to what he saw and what he saw but understood it was there.

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  • Great Fishing in Colorado’s Uncompahgre River

    Little known but well worth the visit, the Uncompahgre River is one of Colorado’s truly hidden treasures. The river flows through some of Colorado’s most rugged yet beautiful terrain, originating in the vicinity of Ouray and continuing northwards until it merges with the Gunnison River near Delta.

    A number of government agencies have acted together to establish this magnificent resource into a reliable and rewarding source of fish for sportsmen, creating a superb fishery below the Ridgway Reservoir. Fishermen can expect to find lots of excellent trout with an abundance of insects as well.

    Are you convinced? Here’s how to get there. Two highways run alongside this fine river, US 550 and 50. Getting access to the river is slightly more complex, but there are some exceptional places to visit in several parks and wildlife reserves. Check out the great fishing at the incomparable Uncompahgre River in Colorado.

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