Pupils Mathematics
It is very common to come across inside of classroom, professors of mathematics working of routine form, where the taught contents are the gifts in books adopted for the school and the applied metodolodia if restrict the expositivas lessons and to some exercises of setting. Such position contibuem for educating to associate the study as a mere mesmorizao, discouraging the interest of them and activities that involve more the reasoning. Consequantemente the pupils if toram dependent of the didtido book excessively and of the mathematics professor, a time if thus its main objective is to have a note enough to be approved. One another fact that always happens and very frequent, is the fact of the mathematics to be dealt with as being a science the off knowledge of the reality of the daily one where the student this enclosed one. In such a way, it is common to hear our pupils to ask: ' ' So that it serves isso' '? ' ' Where I go to use aquilo' '? for disillusionment of the pupils, in many of the cases, such questions at least do not arrive to be answered. Thus they appear more you doubt, more conflicts in the heads of our pupils.
If coming across in them in a classroom and observing some professors of mathematics, we will see that they place themselves to front of the group on the black picture, having it as its support and reference before its pupils. After that they dissertam on its contents, they question, they ask, they demonstrate, they correct, etc. Without shades of you doubt such professors act with a more traditional position. In the schools where the professors still keep the traditional form to work, thus we observe that porcesso of learning of the pupils if becomes a mere transmission of the substance. Of reduced form: the professor ' ' transmite' ' the pupils ' ' recebem' '.