Spanish Royal Academy

  • It is recommended to all the necessity to keep from all avarice. For the clarification of the concept, we must say that avarice is: disorderly Eagerness to own and to acquire wealth to hoard them. According to the Spanish Royal Academy. To regln followed our Gentleman it adds: .porque the life of the man does not consist of the abundance of the goods that owns . As if this outside little are some who ask themselves, even: Of what it consists then? I can say to them that: in all opposite. We do not try the obtaining of goods like thing to what clinging because the same does not agree to us nor it agrees to our fellow because it causes injustices of all type, since the good the more obtaining delay the needs of poorest.

    What it agrees to us is to look for the kingdom of God and its justice. You think, for example: Only made smoke a cigarette it is equivalent to burn a bread and this, simply, is an injustice. However, considering that not less than exists 1000 million smokers in the world, it means this that only burns 1000 million breads and this in the denied assumption that these smokers smoke one to the day. The counterpart is that they exist in the world near 1000 million people who live in the extreme poverty, that is to say, which they live less than with a daily dollar. If to smoke a cigarette it is an injustice, also he is it the avaricious being. The life of the man consists of looking for the kingdom of God as it says to Lucas 12:31: . But you look for the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you.