Tag "auto and moto"

  • Large

    However, to date there is no definition – how many and what items should include ceramic brake pads. Thus, the manufacturer could take a metal block, spray some portion of the ceramic material in the friction of the ceramic and call him. This led to a wide variety of indicators in the brake pads different manufacturers. And as a consequence – reviews and opinions of consumers. Also, later, many manufacturers began to create sports ceramic pads, which are characterized by low content of metal and increase the proportion of ceramics.

    This is made even more confusion in the understanding of the term “ceramic brake pads.” For a start look at what kind of a bird like this – this “pottery”? In the narrow sense of the word denotes ceramic clay firing past. However, the modern use of the term extends its meaning to include all inorganic non-metallic materials. Modern industry is replete with diverse types of ceramics, which can be used in a variety of industries. Thus, in the manufacture of friction materials, ceramic-based sintered and pressed together with a metal powder. The result is zharostostoyky material used for the manufacture of brake pads and shoes.

    So how do you distinguish from the soft warm? Than guide the choice of ceramic brake pads? Self-respecting producer of ceramic composites, as usually produces several series, each designed for a particular driving style. Each series has its own name and points to the destination. For example, street, sport, extreme or use alpha and numerical notation (for example – HPS, Ceramic the company Hawk; DS in different series Ferodo; Z16, Z26, Z36 with Power Stop). Most often, a label “Street ‘is a composition intended for active everyday use: has all the properties of ceramics, but does not require Warm. Remarque’s “sport” is important, but “middle-” been interpreted as a composition for active driving around town and trips to the track: a composite with a ceramic material blshim content. As a consequence – it stiffer pads with high coefficient of friction, but they’ve definitely will require preheating. And a series of extreme – extremely sporty version, not recommended for use in urban settings, because no heating is practically ineffective. One of the most important factors that help determine the manufacturer of the professional – it’s own design office and testing of all series shoes in special laboratories. As practice shows – it can boast, not all brands. To the list of pros include: EBC, Power Stop, Ferodo, Hawk. For all the foregoing, we consider it necessary to once again draw your attention to: the above types of labeling there is nothing more than examples. In practice – each manufacturer represents its products solely on the basis of their own marketing reasons. We just wanted to give you a hand general terms, allowing to understand the buying a relatively new market for our product. Now, let’s sum up. The main advantages of pads with a ceramic composition.

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  • Wheels Creak

    Which of the motorists did not encounter extraneous noise, causing only one desire – are likely to change brake pads? The creaking and whistling, perhaps, the only urban scourge brakes. Why the city? Yes, it's simple. If, For example, take the brake pads are designed for sports (track), then, in most cases, there is a natural satellite of squeaks quality slow car. Ed Bastian does not necessarily agree. Today, consider the nature of phenomena extraneous noise inherent in the track-lining, we will not. Let's try to highlight the problem of urban brake pads. In six years of professional work with the brakes, specialists nashogo center Tormoza.In.Ua had faced with hundreds of "squeaky" problems.

    The first wish "happy" owner of squeaking brakes – replace everything that little bit may be related to noise. Special affection we call pseudo-master "their" stations, which customer complaint "brakes squeak" – do not hesitate to vypaliviayut sentence, "Poor quality brake pads. You put your – they just will not squeak "(read – AND CAN BE squeak will disappear, and earn money.) And if The devil, as he is painted? If you take all the reasons conventionally creak as 100%, the wine quality brake pads will select no more than 30%. What makes wince driver of the other 70 and? First of all, we should clearly understand that squeak – this is oscillations (vibrations) of the pad. That's pads, but not the drive carriage. More precisely, in participation of all component variations, but due to weight and a fixed location – all other Participants natural oscillations dampen very quickly.

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