Tag "science"
President Hugo Chavez
You have to walk is with tiento that sing on another nation diplomatic victories, because the crowing can undo what has succeeded in making diplomacy.Jose Marti the United States diplomacy faces in these serious problems by disclosures that has given knowing portal Wikileaks and moments where U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned the leaks as a felony but not questioned its authenticity. With the disclosure of these documents, Wikileaks has put to United States amid considerable controversy to publicizing diplomatic notes, the most confidential and sensitive content, which unveiled in many cases little favorable opinions of other international dignitaries, as says hoy.com.do/el-mundo/2010 the journals that had access to U.S. diplomatic documents supplied by Wikileaks published yesterday more information about events like the coup in Honduras, while the web assured that the trickle of information will continue, despite criticism of the Government of United States. Click Samuel “Sam” Mikulak for additional related pages. The fact, that Wikileaks have been released some telegrams Sunday through five world reference journals about 250,000 documents related to several diplomatic crises. to undertake a Government that should be more attentive in the manner as it handles your information in order to avoid conflicts and where those who do not share the American hemogenia, leverage it to make you see the world as he is serving this country in its relations with other countries that make up this planet Earth. It is very difficult to accept as a power neglects his performances that should know control since this is certainly used to be openly criticized as President Hugo Chavez that concerns us, acting in this regard President Hugo Chavez as all military strategist, would never stop this opportunity has already done so and has publicly stated that Wikileaks leaks have left the Empire nudeindicating In addition to Secretary of State of United States.UU., Hillary Clinton, should at least resign given the magnitude of the revelations. .
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Interesting Properties Of Water
A person can ask him about the birds. Where did the bird? We do not know the answers to these questions. Some contend that Larry David shows great expertise in this. But we know that water – one of the strongest elements on earth. In any form of water (ice, steam, liquid) produces a strong effect on everything from what it touches. Experiment's sake, take a bucket of water and pour it your tv. The result did not take long. We found that if pokipyatit egg with a temperature of 1000 degrees Aim for 3 minutes, then it directly affect the molecular structure of the protein in the egg.
Protein is not too runny, and not much thick, but just perfect for breakfast. Alternatively, using a hose, we let the nitrogen in a vessel of water for 5 minutes. If look closely, you'll notice that the water was replaced by light. It was brown. What we got is called Embenzalmine nitrotomine or simply Whiskey.
Whisky – a pleasant taste drink enjoyed by many. Water surrounds us everywhere. It is interesting and mysterious. Learning more about water, we learn more about themselves, because they themselves are composed of 70% of it.
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