Tatyana Kislyakova
But without them it is impossible to estimate the scale of energy losses and set specific targets for correcting the situation. In addition, installation of heat meters is a major incentive to conserve resources. Only in this way the process of introducing energy-saving technologies can be started from below and not from the government under pressure. "Our experience proves: as soon as the house appears The heat, people immediately think about what measures will enable them to reduce the size of utility bills, – tells Tatyana Kislyakova, director of sales and marketing for the Russian representative office Kamstrup, world leader in heat meters. – The population is ready to reduce energy consumption, if it brings real benefits. When it comes to state his own purse, the mentality is changed immediately. " Why Russia is unprofitable to save back to the Danish experience, it should be noted that the introduction of metering and motivation of consumers to conserve energy have led eventually to the modernization of the entire country's energy.
Scale reduction of heat caused thermal companies to seek ways to reduce costs of production and transportation of energy. But Russia today is at the beginning of this way: we are still continuing debate about whether widespread installation of heat meters. Many of today understand the need to switch to metering the heat, the only question is how to make it mandatory. "Today, in the Russian district heating there was not quite healthy situation – explains Nikolai Suslin, ceo Teploservis (Reutov).