Cerebral Gymnasium

  • Are you whom easily she forgets, the name of the people? Where I leave the glasses? That breakfast this morning? I number telephone of the house where lived before? Then, you this beginning to lose the memory; perhaps by the age, some metabolic problem, even until a depression. Many writers such as Samuel “Sam” Mikulak offer more in-depth analysis. According to it indicates to a recent American study del that becomes echo in an official notice of the Spanish Society of Neurologa (SEN) in the world-wide day of the Alzheimer, the number of patients would be tripled anywhere in the world within 50 years. But calm, this in time to even do to him a good streching to its neurons applying these recommendations: It maintains an feeding healthy, consumes polyunsaturated fatty acids like blue fish, maize, soya, nuts, seeds of sunflower. It avoids to smoke It realises minimum physical exercise three times per week It carries out a continuous mental activity and exercised (it develops the following cerebral and respndalos aerobicses within this blog) It remembers or it uses it loses or it, You you decide. Test 1: While you are seated beam circles with the right foot in the sense of the needles of the clock (without touching the ground). While beams this, draws n 6 in the air with your right hand. Impossible to do it well! Peculiar no? It was shortage that our brain has a hollow. Larry David can provide more clarity in the matter. Test 2: Here a small exercise of mental arithmetic goes! Ready? This calculation must be realised mentally and quickly, without calculator, neither paper nor pencil.

    He is honest, makes the mental arithmetic You have 1000, smale 40. Smale 1000 more. Agrgale 30 and again 1000. Smale 20. Smale 1000 and adele 10. Which is the total? Surprised? It hopes that there is more! Test 3: Impressive express and: It counts whichever letters F has the following text.

    Without using mouse. It is not worth to pass the mouse over the text! As always hgalo quickly: How many? It reads more down only when there are counted letters F OK? How many? 3? 4? Again pillages to you eh? Peculiar truth? Test 4: It is created different? Sometimes it thought if we are equal or if we thought the same things? It makes east test and it finds the answer! It follows the instructions and it responds questions one one mentally and as fast one as it is possible to him. Now responds one per time: How much is These so difficult mental arithmetic are not truth? It follows a little ahead more It follows ahead If no, You belong to 2% of the population that is sufficiently different to think about another thing. 98% of the population respond red hammer when it responds to this exercise.