Tag "people"

  • Tai Chi

    Its conclusions in this regard were the following: those who are exercised appropriately sick less often and retard aging. One should know to identify with the energy which favours him in everything that where acts, be attentive in our behaviour, management of emotions, in the form in which we we behave, in addition, as we manage our energy in such a way that we don’t waste it. In every movement we make energy is acting and mixed with other energy fields that we must know to control, especially in regard to emotions, feelings, which can give way to a negative energy, as also positive use, depends on with him handling, as faced passions, desires, everything what can discourage it and give way to sufferingwear, energy falls. Has been written about the importance of energy, its use, use that will keep in mind also, if Chi circulation is not adequate or is locked there is an energy imbalance, if that imbalance is not corrected can give place over time to an illness the sages of antiquity believed that static meditation and breathing was enough only to regulate the body and the mind. After the medics and Chinese physicists said that to increase energy in addition to meditate circulation had to be moved. They discovered that obtain peace of mind was as important as moving and that specific movements such as those conducted in Tai Chi or Chi Kung techniques could increase vital energy, or Chi in certain organs. Its conclusions were as follows: those who are exercised appropriately sick less often and retard aging. Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming points out: must learn to regulate before the body, mind and breath, only then will be clear enough mind to perceive how distributed Chi in the body and understand as ajustarloDefinitivamente, as cited by tobacco.org e, chi is also known as the breath of the Dragon, is the energy that is and flows in our body and everything what surrounds us, including our homes.The Chi flows through our body through acupuncture meridians.

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  • Diet Error Weight

    The best moment to eat carbohydrates is in the morning or after a force training. Therefore, if you are eating most of carbohydrates at other moments of the day, you can be committing an error. Error diet # 6 – To eat until he is totally full It is clear that one is not due to eat in excess when you are trying to lose weight. Therefore, never it must atiborrarte. Nevertheless, to eat until sentirte totally complete also can be bad for you. The reason is that your body needs time to understand that he is full. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Marc Lore and gain more knowledge.. One takes 15 – 20 minutes after to have eaten so that you receive the signals of your body that it has had sufficient.

    This means that you need to stop eating when you are hardly below being full. I recommend to eat until you are near 80% of your capacity. This is really something that I learned when I investigated the longevity. What means to eat to a capacity of 80%. One thinks that it prolongs your life. Certain practice is needed to know when 80% of your capacity are had, but is worth the pain to do it. He is one of the best advice to lower of weight who I can share with you. Diet Error # 7 – To eat in excess after a training You need to less than eat one hour or two after a training.

    This is certain, but also he is dangerous. This form to eat is often taken from a too liberal way. The people feel that they can occur the luxury to eat what they want after a training and they end up eating too much and really they ruin all the hard work that did in the gymnasium. You must have a good food after a training, but I do not commit the error to eat too much. The loss of weight is a game of numbers. If you eat too many calories, no amount of work will allow to lower you of weight. In conclusion I have shared with you 7 errors of diet and how to avoid them. It depends on you to take what you have read and to apply it in your life. These are the errors: 1. To drink your calories 2. Not to sleep the sufficient thing 3. To cut your calories too low 4. To eat low fat foods without considering other nutrients 5. To eat Carbohydrates at the mistaken moment 6. To eat until you are totally full 7. To eat in excess after a training It avoids these errors of diet and you can darte tells that suddenly it is easy to lose weight.

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