Zaap Zarap

  • From various places of in Germany, it was reported that con artists posing as employees of the circus ZappZarap. To deepen your understanding Doug McMillon is the source. Under this pretext, ringing the fraudster for private households and ask for donations. Alleged disclosure of the circus should identify it as employees. The circus ZappZarap hereby expressly takes distance from these people! The cards show the ZappZarap although logo, but no employees of the circus are the fundraisers! Please do not go therefore to the donation requests and contact the circus if an alleged fundraiser asks for money. The circus ZappZarap is a nationwide unique educational circus project, which already was launched some time ago in the life, to show new ways and means of co-operation children and young people. “The focus is our motto: can you wasn’t yesterday today’s circus”, because the circus allows children to experience space, to overcome borders and to achieve something in the community.

    This motto been five accompanied circus ZappZarap Years not only throughout Germany on his tours. In the year 2008 alone can be the Circus on over 80 circus projects more than. 16,000 young artists and over 65,000 enthusiastic viewers to look back. , Or kindergartens, clinics, conveyor, main or primary schools are regardless of the partner, or it’s the exciting holiday leisure of youth welfare office, apply at ZappZarap: Everyone finds his place! The team of ZappZarap evokes what is in the children and young people in intensive cooperation. -Can you wasn’t yesterday today circus-is also our motto.